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� � -2- <br /> This matter is urgent as there are two other DSC customers that would like to purchase the boat <br /> if the City does not. <br /> The cost justifications for this purchase are: <br /> • With our current dredge tender it takes an average of 8 hours for 3 staff to pull and reset <br /> both dredge anchors. This equates to $398.44 in labor costs. Additionally, the dredge is <br /> not pumping sediment for 8 hours. <br /> • With an anchor boat it is estimated that it will take an average of 2 hours for 3 staff to do <br /> the same tasks. This equates to a savings of $292.08 over the current method. The <br /> dredge is not pumping sediment for only 2 hours. <br /> • The crew pulls and resets anchors every 2.5 days on average. Over the course of one <br /> dredging season (March through November) the anchors will be moved up to 78 times. <br /> With an anchor boat the annual labor savings would be $22,782. <br /> • The anchor boat is available for $75,000. It would pav for itself in 3.3 years and provide <br /> an additiona1468 hours of dredging annuallv. <br /> • A new anchor boat is estimated to cost $140,000 and would take several months to <br /> acquire. <br /> • Per the terms of the North Water Treatment Plant Sale, ADM reimburses the City for <br /> approximately 55% of the cost of this project, including equipment purchases such as <br /> this. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: <br /> None foreseen. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: <br /> Debbie Perry, Purchasing Supervisor. <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: � <br /> Keith D. Alexander, Director of Water Management, telephone 424-2863 <br /> e-mail <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: <br /> Funds are available in the Water Fund, Lake Capital Projects. <br /> cc: Bob Wetta, DSC <br /> Dennis Garceau, ADM <br /> Debbie Perry <br /> Steve Yeager <br />