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� 1 r , <br /> for a permit. If, after thirty days, Licensee has not applied for a permit, Licensor shall have the <br /> right to remove such attachments without any liability therefor, and the expense of said removal I <br /> sha11 be paid by Licensee within thirty days after receipt of billing therefor from Licensor. '' <br /> Licensor reserves the right to deny the application for any permit which would interfere with <br /> Licensor's own electric service requirements, including (without limitation)the considerations of <br /> economy and safety. <br /> 3. Licensee shall, at its sole expense, construct and maintain its attachments to <br /> conform with the arrangements as shown on Exhibit A. Licensee shall not change the locations <br /> of any such attachments or increase the number of such attachments without the prior written <br /> consent of Licensor. Licensee shall be responsible for installing all necessary down guys and <br /> anchors. <br /> 4. No extended use of Licensor's poles under this PLA shall create or vest in <br /> Licensee any ownership or property rights in said poles, but Licensee's rights therein shall be and <br /> remain a mere license. Licensor shall have the right in its sole discretion to discontinue <br /> maintaining or to remove any of said poles at any time. <br /> 5. Licensor reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the right to maintain, replace, <br /> relocate and remove its poles, and to operate its facilities thereon or on poles belonging to others <br /> on which space has been reserved for Licensor's use, in such manner as will enable Licensor to <br /> fulfill its own service requirements. Licensor shall not be liable to Licensee, or any customer of <br /> Licensee, or any other person, for any interruption of service or for interference with the <br /> operation of the cables, wires and equipment of Licensee arising in any manner out of the use of <br /> , <br /> Licensor s poles. Licensee shall indemnify, protect, defend and save Licensor, its successors and <br /> assigns harmless from and against any and all claims and demands for damages of every nature <br /> and description on account of interruptions to the service of Licensee, or its customers, or any <br /> 2 <br />� <br />