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� , � <br /> WHEREAS, the Municipality and the Developer desire to segregate in a special account <br /> within the Fund the Incremental Taxes derived from the Development Area, �hich separate account shall <br /> be designated the"Lucas PropertiesNorth Main Special Account"(the"Special Account"); and <br /> WHEREAS, the Municipality has determined that the Development Project requires the <br /> incentives requeste�i as set forth in EXHIBIT A and that the Development Project will as a paxt of the <br /> Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project, promote the health, safety and welfare of the <br /> Municipality and its citizens by attracting private investment to prevent blight and deterioration and to <br /> provide employment and generally to enhance the economy of the Municipality. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THE MUNICIl'ALITY AND THE DEVELOPER, FOR <br /> GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF <br /> WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED,agree as follows: <br /> 1. ACOUISITION OF PROPERTY AND <br /> CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS <br /> The Developer represents and warrants that it has acquired the interest in the Development <br /> Area, as described inEXHIBIT A; and the Development Area is located wholly within the Area. <br /> The Developer shall commence acquisition and construction (which shall include, as <br /> applicable, repair, rehabilitation and remodeling of existing facilities) of facilities constituting the <br /> Development Project, and complete such acquisition and construction, occupy the property and begin <br /> operations as set forth in the timetable inEX�-IIBIT A. <br /> 2. INCENTIVES <br /> The Municipality shall pay directly or reimburse the Developer for Eligible Redevelopment <br /> Project Costs permitted by: the Act from Incremental Taxes (generated solely and only from the <br /> Development Area, and not otherwise) and deposited into the Special AccUunt of the Fund but only to the <br /> extent of applicable percentage provided for in EXHIBIT A and only for the term of the Redevelopment <br /> Plan ar such lesser period as provided in this Agreement. Unless specified in Exhibit no Note sha11 be <br /> issued to finance certain Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs, and if issued shall be sold only to the <br /> Developer or a bank or other financial institution, as arranged, if at all,by the Developer. <br /> 3. PAYMENT FOR ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS <br /> Payments to.the Developer (other t�an debt service on a Note), or otherwise, including <br /> endorsement of the Note, if any,_ for Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs shall be made only upon <br /> requisitions therefor (each a "Requisition") submitted from time to time by the Developer to the <br /> Municipality's planning director (the "Director") and upon approval of the City Manager (or the City <br /> Manager's designee, as the case may be), and in each case subject to the availability of funds in the Special <br /> '' Account, including, as the case may be, if at all, and not otherwise, as set forth�in the Note in EXEIIBTT <br /> �• <br /> Page 2 of 15 <br />