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E. Termination of Project Funding <br /> The City reserves the right to suspend or terminate payment of reimbursement requests <br /> for a project in whole or in part for cause. Cause shall include the following: <br /> (1) Improper use of funds; <br /> (2) Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including <br /> those specified in item C. above; <br /> (3) Failure to comply with HUD program guidelines. <br /> The City shall notify NHDC before any such termination takes place and allow <br /> opportunity for review and correction of problems. If termination of the project is then <br /> determined to be necessary, repayment of the total amount of HOME funds expended on <br /> the project shall be made to the City prior to the end of that current fiscal year. ' <br /> F. Property Standards <br /> NHDC shall ensure that all housing it constructs or rehabilitates with HOME funds meets <br /> all applicable local codes, rehabilitation standards, HUD Housing Quality Standards <br /> (HQS), ordinances, and zoning ordinances at the time of project completion. NHDC shall <br /> comply with the standards set forth by the City of Decatur for either new construction or <br /> existing housing, depending on the type of project it is undertaking. Payout requests for <br /> work requiring mechanical, electrical, or plumbing inspections shall not be processed <br /> without documentation that the applicable permits have been received and required <br /> inspections conducted. <br /> G. Affordability Requirements <br /> Any project undertaken under the terms of this agreement must comply with the periods <br /> of affordability as stated in the federal regulations for use of HOME funds, 24 CFR <br /> 92.254(a). Specifically, HOME-assisted housing units must be acquired by a homebuyer <br /> whose family qualifies as a low- income and the housing must be the principal residence <br /> of the family throughout the affordability period. The unit must remain affordable to <br /> low-income persons for not less than the applicable period for the amount of assistance <br /> provided. <br /> H. Resale/Recapture Provisions <br /> To ensure affordability,NHDC must impose either resale or recapture requirements on <br /> the housing unit as outlined in 24 CFR 92.254 (a)(5). Said requirements shall be imposed <br /> prior to the transfer of the property to the homebuyer. NHDC shall inform the City at that <br /> time as to which requirement (resale or recapture) has been imposed, and shall provide <br /> the City with a copy of the lien/deed restrictions attached to the transaction. <br /> V. PROJECT PROCEEDS <br /> Upon completion of each project, NHDC shall report the amount of all project proceeds <br /> generated by activities carried out with HOME funds made available under this contract, <br /> and the use to which the HOME proceeds will be allocated. As set forth in 24 CFR <br /> 92.300(a)(2), the use of HOME proceeds by NHDC shall be only for HOME-eligible or <br /> other housing activities to assist low-income persons. Up to ten percent (10%) of the <br /> HOME proceeds may be used for CHDO operating and administrative expenses. HOME <br /> proceeds must be committed or expended within one year of the date they are generated <br /> 4 <br />