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� . � <br /> � . <br /> , <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS <br /> ("CITY"), a municipal corporation, and the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF DECATUR <br /> SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 61 IN MACON COUNTY, ILLINOIS ("DISTRICT 61"), a body <br /> politic. <br /> WHEREAS, DISTRICT 61 is authorized and empowered to "employ persons for the <br /> purpose of directing traffic ... on or along streets and highways or portions thereof within a <br /> radius of one mile from ... school grounds ...", upon receiving approval therefor from the <br /> public body having jurisdiction over said streets and highways, pursuant to provisions of the <br /> Schoo! Code (105 ILCS 5/10-22.28a); and <br /> WHEREAS, the CITY is likewise empowered to employ persons to act as schoot <br /> crossing guards, pursuant to provisions of the Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/11-80-23) and <br /> pursuant to its powers as a home rule unit; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the CITY and DISTRICT 61 are each further authorized and empowered <br /> to enter agreements whereby they may exercise, combine or transfer their respective <br /> powers, privileges and functions, pursuant to the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act <br /> (5 ILCS 220/1 et-seq.) and Section 10 of Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; <br /> and, <br /> WHEREAS, the CITY and DISTRICT 61 agree that the employment of school <br /> crossing guards to protect the safety of children attending the Decatur public schools is in <br /> the public interest and requires the cooperation of both the CITY and DISTRICT 61. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY and DISTRICT 61 hereby agree as follows: <br /> SECTION 1. DISTRICT 61 shall retain persons to direct traffic relative to school <br /> crossings, as provided by statute, in such numbers and in such manner as shall be deemed <br /> proper and sufficient by DISTRICT 61. Such persons may be employees of DISTRICT 61 <br /> or employees of an independent contractor hired by DISTRICT 61. <br /> SECTION 2. Monthly, DISTRICT 61 shall submit to the CITY invoices detailing the <br /> employment expenses for that month directly related to those persons retained to direct <br /> traffic at school crossings. For the purposes of this Agreement, "employment expenses" <br /> may mean either the salaries and benefits paid to or on behalf of persons employed by <br /> DISTRICT 61 or fees paid to independent contractors employing those persons directing <br /> traffic. Such invoices must be submitted to the CITY on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of <br /> the month following the month for which they are submitted and shall contain such <br /> information as is required by the CITY to enable it to adequately and accurately ascertain <br /> DISTRICT 61's expenses. <br /> 1 <br />