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6. The ENGINEER shall submit monthly statements requesting payment. Such statements shall � <br /> be based upon the amount and value of the services provided and expenses incurred by <br /> ENGINEER to the date of the statement and sha11 be supplemented or accompanied by such <br /> supporting data as may be required by CITY. <br /> 7. The fees specified in Paragraphs 1 through 6 above are based on the assumption that a <br /> "Notice to Proceed" will be issued in calendar year 2001. <br /> IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED, <br /> 1. It shall be the ENGINEER's responsibility,when total monies due the ENGINEER approach <br /> a point near 50%of the total fee specified above, to review the work accomplished and make <br /> an estimate showing costs incurred and costs of services still required of the ENGINEER to <br /> complete his obligation. He shall do the same prior to when the total fees reach 90% of the <br /> m�imum. If any of these estimates exceed the upper limit, the ENGINEER shall <br /> immediately submit the estimate to the CITY. The CITY sha11 review the estimate and <br /> promptly direct the ENGINEER to: <br /> a. Stop work at a logical point when monies due the ENGINEER are within the limit <br /> of total fee, or <br /> b. Continue work under the terms of the AGREEMENT up to an adjusted limit as <br /> authorized in writing by the CITY. The ENGINEER will make no claim for <br /> payment in excess of the original limit without having received such written <br /> authorization prior to incurring the excess costs. <br /> 2. The provisions of this Section and the various rates of compensation for ENGINEER's <br /> services provided for in this AGREEMENT have been agreed to in anticipation of the <br /> orderly and continuous progress of the PROJECT. Time is of the essence and therefore the <br /> project shall be completed with due diligence to conform to the agreed upon completion <br /> timing. The plans, specifications and Engineer's estimate shall be delivered within 180 days <br /> after the Notice to Proceed from the CIT'Y. The ENGINEER shall not be responsible for <br /> any time delays in the PROJECT caused by circumstances beyond the ENGINEER's <br /> control. <br /> 3. The CTI'Y may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of this <br /> AGREEMENT in the services or work to be performed. If such changes cause an increase <br /> or decrease in the ENGINEER's cost or time required to perform any services under this <br /> AGREEMENT, an equitable adjustment shall be made and this AGREEMENT shall be <br /> modified in writing. The ENGINEER must assert any claim for adjustment under this clause <br /> in writing within 30 days from the date of receipt of the ENGINEER of the notification of <br /> change unless the CTI'Y grants additional time before the date of final payment. No services <br /> for which an additional compensation will be charged by the ENGINEER shall be furnished <br /> without the written authorization of the CITI'. <br /> 4. Services performed during the performance of the AGREEMENT made necessary by the <br /> following circumstances or events shall be considered as Additional Services: <br /> BGM O1-038 Page 4 of 5 <br />