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Page 2 <br /> It is anticipated that the Phase I preliminary design will take approximately 2 to 3 months. At the <br /> conclusion of the design, staff proposes that the area residents be polled regarding interest in the <br /> proposed sanitary sewer given the likely access costs associated with it. If a favorable response <br /> is received, the City Council will be petitioned by staff to authorize proceeding with Phase II or <br /> the final design of the sanitary system. <br /> The City's construction costs would be recouped through fees assessed to individual home <br /> owners to connect with the sanitary sewer. This is similar to the process currently used by the <br /> City to recoup water main extension costs in new service areas. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: There are no known objections to this agreement. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: None <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Steve Swanson, Director of Engineering and Infrastructure <br /> Matt Newell, City Engineer at 424-2747 <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: <br /> The proposed agreement is for a fee not to exceed $14,283 and will entail a Phase I preliminary <br /> design of a proposed sanitary sewer servicing the East Court neighborhood. <br /> Design work will begin immediately upon approval by the City Council. <br /> attach: 3 <br /> cc: John Smith, Assistant City Manager for Public Services <br />