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a <br /> Report to Consultant with comments. One additional Final Report copy to be submitted <br /> shall be an unbound original for future reproduction by the City. An additional Final <br /> Report copy shall be submitted on 3.5" diskette(s) and or CD's with Microsoft NT, Lotus <br /> Word Pro 97, Lotus 1-2-3 release 5 or higher, Microsoft Office, AutoCad 2000, etc. <br /> compatible software. <br /> We propose to provide the engineering services described above for the not-to-exceed fee <br /> amount of $24,820. All reimbursable costs such as mileage, equipment, printing, etc are <br /> included in the above not-to-exceed fee amount. Services completed for this project will be <br /> invoiced monthly based on hourly rates as per our Standard Fee Schedule attached. Two copies <br /> of the Standard Form of Agreement are attached to sign for contractual purposes. Please sign <br /> and return one copy for our file. If you have any questions or need additional information,please <br /> feel free to call me. <br /> Very truly yours, <br /> c � <br /> Peter Berrini, P.G. <br /> Proj ect Manager <br /> Attachments: <br /> Standard Form of Agreement with Appendices <br /> cc: Mr. Gary Wilken, P.E. <br />