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vacuumed per day, per week and per month. A report summarizing such records shall be <br /> submitted to the CITY on or before the tenth (lOth) day after each month during the collection <br /> period for which such report is made. <br /> 5.9 If SUBURBAN constructs and operates its own mulching or composting facility for <br /> the disposal of leaves collected hereunder, in accordance with IEPA rules and regulations, <br /> SUBURBAN shall supply the CITY with such mulch or compost as it desires, at no cost to the <br /> CITY. <br /> 5.10 SUBURBAN shall notify the CITY immediately of any accidents involving <br /> personal injury arising out of SUBURBAN'S duties and responsibilities hereunder, and shall <br /> provide the CITY with all reports of same generated by SUBURBAN or its insurer. <br /> 5.11 SUBURBAN is responsible for informing itself of all conditions under which leaf <br /> vacuuming service is to be provided, including but not limited to types of housing, population <br /> density, roads, traffic patterns and labor required, and hereby represents that it did so prior to the <br /> execution hereof. <br /> VI INSURANCE, INDEMNITY, BOND <br /> 6.1 SUBURBAN, at its cost, shall contract for, and be covered by, insurance policies <br /> with coverages and policy limits not less than those listed in this section. SUBURBAN'S <br /> insurance shall be primary. <br /> Workers Compensation and Emplovers Liabilitv: <br /> Workers compensation insurance shall be provided according to the provisions of <br /> the Illinois Worker's Compensation Act, as amended. <br /> Employers Liability <br /> a. Each Accident $500,000 <br /> b. Disease-policy limit $500,000 <br /> c. Disease- each employee $500,000 <br /> Commercial General Liabilitv: <br /> General Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 <br /> Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 <br /> Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 <br /> Insurance shall be written in the occurrence form and shall provide coverage for <br /> operations of the contractor; operations of subcontractors (contingent or protective <br /> liability); completed operations; broad form property damage and contractual <br /> liability. <br /> 4 <br />