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" . <br /> . , : <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT made by and between the City of Decatur, Illinois ("City"), a <br /> municipal corporation, and REAL ESTATE INVESTORS OF DECATUR, L.L.C. <br /> ("REID"), an Illinois limited liability company. <br /> WHEREAS, the City is a home rule unit of government, pursuant to Section 6 of <br /> Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such is authorized and <br /> empowered to enter into economic inc�ntive agreements pertaining to it� g�vernment <br /> and affairs, including the economic development of the City and the expansion of its tax <br /> base; and, <br /> WHEREAS, REID is the owner of the following described premises: <br /> Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot One (1) in Block Two (2) of the <br /> Original Town, now City, of Decatur, as shown by the Plat thereof <br /> recorded in Book A, at Page 1, of the records in the office of the Recorder <br /> of Macon County, Illinois, thence East 64 '/4 feet, thence North 100 feet, <br /> thence East 3 inches, thence North 40 feet, thence West 64 '/2 feet, <br /> thence South 140 feet to the place of beginning, subject to all easements <br /> and party wall agreements of record, commonly known as 134 E. Main St. <br /> ("Main St. Building"); and, <br /> WHEREAS, REID has a valid and binding agreement to purchase the following <br /> described premises: <br /> A part of the Southwest Quarter, Southeast Quarter, Section 9, Township <br /> 16 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and more <br /> particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the point of intersection of the North right of way line of the <br /> Norfolk & Western Railroad (formerly Wabash Railroad) with the present <br /> West right of way line of S.B.I. Route 48 (Fairview Avenue), said point <br /> being approximately 59.2 feet North of and 80.2 feet West of the <br /> Southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter, Southeast Quarter, Section <br /> 9; thence North 90° West (assumed bearing) 1,244.25 feet along said <br /> railroad right of way line to the West of said Southwest Quarter, Southeast <br /> Quarter, Section 9, thence North 0° 21' 38" East, 557.88 feet along the <br /> West line of said Southwest Quarter, Southeast Quarter, Section 9 to its <br /> intersection with the South right of way line of King Street; thence North <br /> 87° 04' 20" East 539.73 feet along said right of way line; thence North 88° <br /> 1 <br />