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� , <br /> after the date of submission)and any vouchers, invoices,or other documentation, satisfactory to the <br /> De artment to substantiate these costs; <br /> P <br /> (3) where local funds are required,demonstrate or certify that it has supplied local funds adequate, <br /> when combined with the state and federal payments,to cover all costs to be incurred through the <br /> end of the requisition period; <br /> (4) have submitted all financial and progress reports currently required by the Department;and <br /> (5) have received approval by the Department for all budget revisions required to cover all costs to be <br /> incurred through the end of the requisition period. <br /> B. Payment by the Department-Only costs incurred in accordance with the terms and conditions of this <br /> Agreement shall be reimbursable. Upon receipt of the requisition form and the accompanying information, in <br /> form satisfactory to the Department,the Department shall process the requisition, provided that the Grantee <br /> is not in violation of any of the terms of this Agreement, has satisfied the Department of its need for the funds <br /> requested during the requisition period,and is making progress,satisfactory to the Department,towards the <br /> timely completion of the Project. If all of these circumstances are found to exist,the Department will <br /> reimburse apparent allowable costs incurred(or to be incurred during the requisition period)by the Grantee, <br /> from time to time, but not in excess of the maximum amount of the Grant as shown in the Approved Project <br /> Budget. Requisitions may not be submitted more frequently than monthly. Reimbursement of any cost <br /> pursuant to this Agreement shall not constitute a final determination by the Department of the allowability of <br /> such cost, and such payment shall not constitute a waiver of any violation of the terms of this Agreement <br /> committed by the Grantee. The Department will make a final determination as to allowability of any payments <br /> made to Grantee only after a final audit of the Project has been conducted. <br /> In the event that the Department determines that the Grantee is not currently eligible to receive any or all of <br /> the funds requested, it shall promptly notify the Grantee stating the reasons for such determination. <br /> C. Disallowed Costs- In determining the amount of the Grant,the Department will exclude: (i)all Project costs <br /> incurred by the Grantee prior to the date of this Agreement, or other date specifically established by the <br /> Department,whichever is earlier; (ii)costs incurred by the Grantee which are not provided for in the latest <br /> Approved Project Budget;and(iii)except as otherwise provided in Department guidelines,costs attributable <br /> to goods or services received under a contract or other arrangement which has not been concurred in or <br /> approved in writing by the Department. Costs of construction performed by employees of the Grantee will <br /> also be disallowed as eligible Project costs unless the use of such employees is specifically approved in <br /> advance by the Department. <br /> All grants, payments, and obligations of the State under this Agreement are subject to the receipt of funds by the <br /> State from FTA and/or the"Acts." The State shall not be liable to the Grantee for any failure or delay in performance <br /> of its obligations to the Grantee, including but not limited to delays in making payments to Grantee. No debt, <br /> payment or obligation of the State or FTA to the Grantee under this Agreement shall be a general obligation of the <br /> Government, but shall be payable, if at all,only from funds received by the State from FTA and from the"Acts." <br /> ITEM 13-RIGHT OF DEPARTMENT TO TERMINATE <br /> Upon written notice to the Grantee,the Department reserves the right to suspend or terminate all or part of the financial <br /> assistance herein provided for when the Grantee is or has been in violation of the terms of this Agreement,for <br /> Department convrenienee,or when the Departmerrt determines,in its sole discretion,that the'purposes of the Acts <br /> authorizing the�rant would not be adequately served by continuation of Government financial assistance to the <br /> Project. Termination of aniy�Sart of the Grant will not invalidate obligations prope►by incurred by the Grantee and <br /> concurred in by the Depar�rr�r�!prior to thet date of te�rmin�tion,to the extent they are non-cancelable. The acceptance <br /> of a remittance by the Department of any or alt Project Funds previously received by the Grantee or the closing out of <br /> Govemment financial participation in the Project shall not constitute a waiver of any claim which the Govemment may <br /> otherwise have arising out of this Agreement. <br /> State/Federal Capitaf Grant page 14 ' <br />