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� Page 2 <br /> Phase III <br /> Compared to Engs. Est. <br /> Bidder Bid Price Over/(Under� <br /> Engineer's Estimate $95,500.00 NA <br /> Coastal Gunite Construction No Bid NA <br /> Parkway Construction& No Bid NA <br /> Associates <br /> Affholder, Inc. $162,750.00 70.42% <br /> En-Tech Corp. No Bid NA <br /> Insituform Technologies, Inc. $232,000.00 142.93% <br /> The City in March of this year awarded a contract to Coastal Gunite Construction to do <br /> Phases I and II. The award of Phase III was delayed by staff while it evaluated the proposal <br /> submitted by Affholder, Inc. Additional time was required by City staff to evaluate the material <br /> proposed by Affliolder in-lieu of the material specified. City staff's review of the technical and <br /> performance history of the material proposed by Affholder determined it to be acceptable. A <br /> second City staff concern was the significant difference from the Engineer's Estimate. The <br /> difference from the engineer's estimate was determined to be the specialty nature of the work in <br /> relation to the quantity of work and the contractor's setup and operating costs to perform the <br /> work. City staff finds the low bid to be reasonable. The delay in proceeding with this phase of <br /> the project has benefited its coordination with the work being done in Phases I and II. The <br /> construction management and inspection of this project will be done by City staff. <br /> It is expected that when this project is completed, the sewer system will be renewed, by <br /> the improvement in the structural integrity and the reduction of inflow and infiltration into the <br /> system. However, the project does not include the rehabilitation of the manhole structures, <br /> which will be a later project. <br /> This project is funded from the Sanitary Sewer Fund <br /> If is recommended by staff that the City Council approve the attached resolution awarding <br /> the contract for Phase III of the Jasper Street/ Southeast Sewer Rehabilitation, City Project 9955, <br /> to Affholder, Inc. as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of their bid of <br /> $162,750.00, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the contract and the City Clerk to <br /> attest. <br /> Staff will be in attendance at the City Council meeting to answer questions about this ' <br /> proj ect. � <br /> Attach: 2 � <br /> cc: Phillip Wilhelm, Municipal Services Manager <br />