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, , <br /> however, any additional radios programmed after the approval of this agreement shall <br /> comply with the terms of this paragraph. <br /> 8. If the District receives written approval to access the talk group of any other <br /> user of the System and that approval is subsequently withdrawn, in writing, the <br /> District shall remove its radios therefrom at its expense witlun 30 days of receipt of <br /> written notice. <br /> 9. THE CITY DOES NOT WARRANTEE OR GUARANTEE THE USABILITY <br /> OR SERVICEABILITY OF THE SYSTEM FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND THE <br /> DISTRICT EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT NO RADIO SYSTEM CAN <br /> OR WILL TRANSMIT OR RECEIVE SIGNALS FROM EVERY LOCATION IN <br /> A GEOGRAPHICAL AREA. <br /> 10. The District hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the City and its Mayor and <br /> Council members, officers, employees and agents, in both individual and official <br /> capacities, from all claims for property damage, bodily injury or death resulting from <br /> or arising out of the use of the System by the District, and from all costs, demands, <br /> suits, losses, attorney fees and liabilities incurred in or about any such claim for <br /> property damage, bodily injury or death. <br /> 11. The District agrees that any radio owned by or under its control will be <br /> programmed only for those talk-groups which have been approved by the City of <br /> Decatur for the use in that radio and under no circumstances will they authorize, <br /> permit, or allow any radio to be utilized in a manner not pernutted by the terms of <br /> this agreement. <br /> 12. Nothing contained in this agreement is intended to supersede or abrogate <br /> any previous agreements between the City and the Decatur Park District, but to the <br /> e�ent that any provision hereof is in conflict with the provisions of any such earlier <br /> agreement the provisions hereof shall control. <br /> 13. This Agreement shall be effective on and from May 1, 2000 through <br /> December 31, 2000, and from year to year thereafter, unless canceled by any party <br /> hereto by written notice not less than ninety(90) days prior to the ne� succeeding <br /> January l. <br />