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proposes to provlde assistance OLDE TOWNE REDEVELOP- <br /> for residential and commercial MENT PROJECT AREA CITY <br /> development,Includirig,among OF DECATUR,ILLIN015 <br /> ofher things;land and reai estate, Commencing at a point of be9��" <br /> acquisttion and assembry costs,� ntng at ibe tntersection of ihe: <br /> interestsubsidies,infrasiructure, East right•of•way Iineof North <br /> and related administretive and I Franklin Street and the Norih <br /> professionai cosis. ' ��9ht��Way jine of E st E dorah <br /> Prior To ihe date of the hearing,: <br /> i any person,includfng each taxing do Street;ihence South along the ' <br /> district having�property in the� East rtght-of•way line o#Frankiln , <br /> Redevelopment Proi�Areaand � Sfreet to ihe South right•of•way <br /> 'ihe.11linois DepartmenYof-Com= 1 Ifne of East Wood Street;thence <br /> merce and Community Affairs � Westalongthe5outhright-of•way <br /> may submifwritten wmmenis to , line of wood Street 10 the East <br /> ihe City to ihe attention of A.J. right�of-way Iine of South UNon, <br /> �Krieger,Depariment of Eco- Street;Thence South along The <br /> �nomic,Development,ll Gary K. East right•of-way Ilne of South <br /> pnderwn Plaza,in Decatur,Illt- af iWayTjjne of West Deca9ur <br /> �nois 62523. <br /> A1 fhe hearing all interested � StreeT;thence West along ihe, <br /> persons:iMludingaHecfedtaxfng south right•of•way ifne of West� <br /> districts may file written ob�ec- Decatur Street to the West right- <br /> tions with ihe cily clerk and shali. of•way line of South Fafrview <br /> have the opporfunity to be heard Avenue;thence North alon9 the <br /> orolly with respect to any issues Wesi r.ighT-of-way Iine of Fair- <br /> regarding ihe approval of The view Avenue to the intersection; <br /> Redevelopment Plan and Pro�ecf, of the West rfght•of-way Iine of <br /> and the designation of the Rede- North Fairview Avenue and the <br /> velopmenT Pro�ect Area and The . South right-of-way line of West <br /> adoption of tax increment allo- � Eld4rado 3treet;ihence Wesi <br /> cation financing therefor.The ' alon9 the soufh right�of•way line <br /> 'hearing may be ad�ourned by the ' of West Eldorodo Street to The <br /> CtTy council Wifhout further no- West right-of•way line of North <br /> tice other than a moTion to be ' McClellan Street;thence Norfh <br /> entered upon the minutes of the along the 4Vestright-of•way line, <br /> hearing. of North'N¢C�ellan Streef to ihe <br /> QuesTionsrelatedtotheeligibility North right-of•way Ifne of ihe <br /> and qualificatton of the Redevel• Norfolk Southern RSilway: <br /> opment Project Area can be senT thence West alon9 the North right- <br /> to:A.J.Krieger,Department of of•way Iine of the Norfotk wuth- <br /> Economic Development,@t�ary ern Railway to the West prapertY <br /> K.Anderson Plaza,Decatur,IIII• ; Iine of the Wesidale Shopp�ng <br /> noi562523. Center(Fairview Plaza),said <br /> Also,ihe City of Dxatur,Illinois, property line being the•West Iine <br /> hereby requesis proposals from of tbe SoutheasTl/4 of Sedion 9, <br /> deyelopers and redevelopers tn Township 16 North,Range 2 East; , <br /> connectton wifh the Redevelop- thence North along the said WesT ' <br /> ment ProjectArea. prope►►Y�ine of Westdale Shop• <br /> CelesTe F.Harris ping Center to the Westerly ex- <br /> City Clerk tension of ihe North right•of•waY <br /> Iine of West King Sireet;thence <br /> East along the NOrih right•of- <br /> way Iine of West King Street to' <br /> the West right-of•way Iine of <br /> So th aFong the West ri9h1 of•way <br /> Iine.of North Falrview Avenue to <br /> UnNeduStatesh(U.5 1 R ute 36: <br /> thence Southeasterly along ihe <br /> . South right•of•way Iine of U.S. <br /> route 36 to the intersection M the <br /> North right•of way Iine of West <br /> Eldorado Sireet and the South <br /> right-of•way Iine of U.S.route 36; <br /> thence East along ihe North right- <br /> St et to�the East right ofrway <br /> line of North Oakland Avenue; <br /> thence Suu1h along the East right- <br /> ofway iine of North Oakland Av- <br /> enue to the,North right-of-way , <br /> Ifne of West Wiliiam Street; <br /> of waY E��W�t�Ni mhSt9eet <br /> to the East right-of-way Iine of <br /> ihe Norfolk Southern Railway; <br /> ihence Northeaterly alo�9 the <br /> East right•of•way'Iine of the <br /> NoHolk Southern Railway to the <br /> North Street�thence East alon9 <br /> ihe North right•of•way Ii�e of , <br /> ff yh}.p-f way Isne oftNorth College ', <br /> Street;ihence North along the � <br /> West Hght-of•way Ifne of North � <br /> college Street to the North right- <br /> os-way Iine of West North Street; , <br /> of waY Enetof WesthNorth Street <br /> North CollegehStreetYthence � <br /> South along the East ri9ht-of-way <br /> Iine of North College Street to the <br /> North right•of-way Iine of West � <br /> North Street;thence EasT along , <br /> the North ri9ht-of•way Iine of.' <br /> lr gh4of-WaY Isne oftNorth Church � ��I <br /> Street;fhence North along the <br /> West right•of•way Iine of North <br /> Church Street to the North right- I <br /> he pofnt of be9i���n the Gty <br /> of Decatur,fn The County of <br /> Mawn,Illinois. <br /> P �2 <br /> �� <br />