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PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS <br /> TO THE <br /> CONDIT STREET SUBWAY <br /> GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK <br /> (The following information is intended to represent objectives the City wants to achieve with <br /> this project. Proposing firms should consider this information in developing their proposal. <br /> A final Scope of Work and compensation will be negotiated with the firm selected for this <br /> project.) <br /> Develop and gain approval from the City, the Illinois Central Railroad and the Illinois <br /> Commerce Commission, as necessary, for the design of pedestrian improvements to the <br /> Condit Street Subway. The final product will include approved Plans, Proj ect Manual, <br /> itemized opinion of probable construction cost, and all permits or easements necessary to <br /> allow the City to take bids for and construct the proposed pedestrian improvements. <br /> This work is expected to include the following tasks: <br /> A. Design Review Meetin�s: Conduct two to three design review meetings with City <br /> staff and / or the Illinois Central Railroad and / or the Illinois Commerce <br /> Commission (ICC) as necessary. Conduct an informational meeting with the <br /> Decatur Housing Authority. These meetings will be used to accomplish the task <br /> goals as set forth in this document. <br /> B. Work Product 1: A preliminary layout of the proposed subway improvements. This <br /> product is for City, Railroad and Housing Authority review and comment. The <br /> Illinois Commerce Commission may also require some review. This work product is <br /> expected to involve the following: <br /> 1. Review the Pedestrian Feasibility Study and confirm the conclusions and <br /> recommendations for the recommended alternate to modify the Condit Street <br /> Subway. Receive comments from the Housing Authority. Gain approval from <br /> the City, the Railroad and, if required, the Illinois Commerce Commission. <br /> 2. Prepare preliminary drawings and set up meetings with affected parties to <br /> determine design control factors and any permits or easements needed for the <br /> improvement. <br /> Page 1 <br /> Condit Street Subway-Pedestrian Improvements <br /> 7/13/99 <br />