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, <br /> and leadership styte inventories. We interpret these instruments for the City as well. <br /> , We will meet with the City Council to provide a progress report on a number of semifinalist candidates. These <br /> individuals will be top prospects who clearly meet the City's specifications for the position. With guidance <br /> 1 from the City Council, we will narrow the semifinalist candidate group on the basis of refined criteria. During <br /> this meeting we will determine City Council expectations relative to interview questions that we will write as <br /> well as the candidate rating and scoring processes which will be included in our final report. <br /> ID. Se/ectlon and EmQ/oyment <br /> In-depth Screening and Final Report <br /> � At this point,we will irrterview those semifinalist candidates whom the City Council has the greatest interest <br /> in. Proper"fit° is as important as technical ability. We assess both. In order to better assess candidates' <br /> management style and interpersonal characteristics,we personally interview each in his or her present <br />, ' work environment. We will closely examine each candidate's experience, qualifications, achievements, <br /> management style and interpersonal skilts in view of the selection criteria and our professional expertise in <br /> evaluating the quality of such qualifications, skills and achievements. <br /> We conduct in-depth background checks on those individuals who continue to demonstrate their overall <br /> � suitability for the position. Included are detailed and extensive reference checks which cover a minimum <br /> period of ten years. tn conducting these, it is our practice to speak directly to individuals who are now or <br /> have been in positions to evaluate the candidate's job performance. We ask each candidate to provide us <br />� with a la� e number of references. We then network these references to other ersons who know the <br /> � 9 P <br /> candidate. In this way, we thoroughly evaluate each candidate. These references and evaluations are <br /> combined to provide frank and objective appraisals of the top candidates. <br /> , As part of our evaluation process we conduct credit checks and verify undergraduate and graduate college <br /> degrees. At the City's option,we will arrange for criminal history and driving record checks. As an additional <br /> � option,we can arrange for assessment centers and/or psychological (or similar)testing of the candidates. <br /> (These optional items may result in extra cost.) <br /> We wifl then meet with the City Council to present a group of well-qualified finalist candidates for interviews <br /> � in Decatur. These final candidates will not be ranked because, at this point, they will all be qualified and it <br /> will then be a matter of chemistry between the candidates and the City Councit that should produce the final <br /> selection decision. <br /> , Our final report will be presented in a meeting with the City Council. This written report is a comprehensive <br /> document. It contains our candidate recommendations, details about the search, interview tips, interview <br />, � questions, candidate evaluation forms and information about legal vs. illegal inquiries. The report also ' <br /> � includes the candidate interview schedule as well as our recommendations relative to timing, sequencing, , <br /> location, setting, format, and conduct of interviews. The report contains comprehensive information about <br /> each recommended candidate. This includes educational and experience information, an evaluation of the I <br /> , candidate's experience relative to the criteria established by the City, a summary of reference comments and i <br /> a statement of accomplishments and management style prepared by the candidate. Present compensation <br /> is also provided for each recommended candidate. <br /> ' We will provide inforrnation about trends in employment, employment contracts and agreements, relocation <br /> expenses, perquisites, appropriate roles for spouses, receptions, etc. We arrange schedules for top <br /> candidate interviews with the City and we will coordinate the entire process. <br /> ' We will properly handle any and all media relations. Unless othen�vise directed, it is our standard practice <br /> to tell alf inedia that we are working on behalf of the City of Decatur and that any public statement should <br /> ' come from the City directly. Under no conditions will we release information to the media unless specifically <br /> directed by the City to do so. <br /> Finally,we will notify all unsuccessful candidates who were not recommended for an interview with the City <br /> � Prepared for the CITY OF DECATUR,ItLlNO/S by Slavin Management Consuttants <br /> 3 <br /> 1 <br />