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SEI2VICE TR�.�ISPORT FACILITTES <br /> CUSTUI��ER ACCEPT.�3vCE AGF�EEI�i�VT <br /> This confirms an agreemertt betU+een,gmeritech {the Company) and <br /> Ci t� nf nP�at-„r . the customer <br /> tocated at #1 Garv Anderson Pia�a <br /> for Service Transpert Facifities (STFj, pursuant to Tariff !CC tvo.5 on fi}e uvith the IiGnois <br /> Commerce Commission. Such Faci��ties connect cusiomer premises at ��� Frankl ;n <br /> to the Compan�s centra! 0 ffice. <br /> H is understood that the tariff on fiie with the IlEinois Comcneree Commission pravic�es that in <br /> the event the customer cancels this order prior to esta�Gshment af services,the Company shali <br /> be reimbursed bythe customer ior cost incurred. <br /> The custorner elects to pay for the Service Transport FaciEties, s�bject to the fo8aaving cone�itions: <br /> a. The STr= rate structure consist of ttivo eEements, a ane time non reiunda�!� initial <br /> nonrecurrirtg charge ;I.N.C.} and monthy recurring charge. The I.N.C.a•�;�be <br /> �aid once artd thereafter the agreement may be rene�roed indefinitety at the then <br /> pr�vailing monthfy rate . Th� customer elec;s a cor,trac; �eriad of � ' <br /> years, for a 1 00 ' pair complement. Durinq this period, the monthfy <br /> ratps are r,ot s�bject to Camrany-initiated increasp. <br /> B. The Com�any�-riR notify the customer in i.vriting at leasi 60 days �eiore the expiration <br /> of the existing contract period_At this time the customer may extena the existing <br /> ce�i�act fcr o^e additiana! peric� not to exceed ;"e criyinal contract per�od at a rate <br /> not to excee:i a 1�=-� �ncrease far a 3 year coniract period; 2�7°•� ir.c�ea�e !ar a 5 year <br /> C^ntraC� QFft4d Cf �5`"� ;ncre�sQ !or a 7 year eontrac! per:ad; ar.t�r irtc a 7eh^1 CO�TCBCI , <br /> period or a;.�tamaticalty revert, upon expirat�on af ttre exi<_tirG contrac± perrod ;o the ! <br /> �;;r,a�t mcni^y;a;e of 3 year cor„rac: per�od far the cem�lement size <br /> -- If c�s�om2r cFoasas not ic ex.tend the contract psriod, trereby ret�ertirg <br /> to Ehe cJrrent monthh;rate ef the 3 year c�niract far the compierr;ent s;ze, <br /> the m�n;hh�rate eviif Ee s�bject ;o Company ini2iated increases ap�roved <br /> by th- I!knois Commerce Commissien. <br /> C_ If custamer e�c!s to terminate the senrice prior ta the expir2tion �f the contrac! <br /> period,the cu:;omer �vi!! be liable for ?Q=�a vt ihe morthy rate for th� cemplement <br /> size mukip!ied by the nurr.ber of months remaining in the contraci neriod. Further <br /> nc portian of the I.N.C. wii! �e refunded. Tne maximum termination cnarge fcr the <br /> system is t t s � 1 2, 4 2 5 . 0 0 e��a(to the I.N.C. r}hich �r:il! not decrease over <br /> ths 6fe of the cer,"tract periad, plus {2) � 1 6 , 993 .20 avilich decreases CyS202 . 30 <br /> far sach month af ser�ice over the fife of the contract period. <br /> eritech <br />