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��. <br /> � SERVICE TRANSPORT FACILITIES <br /> . <br /> CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT <br /> — 2 — <br /> D. If during a contract period additional Service Transport Facilities are required, they may be <br /> obtained on a pair-at-a-time basis, by upgrading to a larger sized complement or by adding an <br /> additional complement. <br /> — To upgrade to a larger complement size, the Initial Non-Recurring Charge (I.N.C.) pay- <br /> able wiil equal the difference between the then current I.N.C. for the customer's existing <br /> complement and the then current I.N.C. for the larger complement. <br /> — To increase the facilities by contracting for an additional complement, the I.N.C. appro- <br /> priate to the complement size and contract period chosen is applicable. , <br /> — If the customer elects to increase an existing complement size, a one-time Complement �^'t'a' I' <br /> Conversion Charge at the then current rate is applicable. The present rate is $550. * � � <br /> E. Service Transport Facilities may be resold or shared. The customer of record shall be respon- <br /> sible for recurring and non-recurring charges associated with the provision of this service and, <br /> in the event of termination of service, appropriate termination charge. <br /> F. The customer elects to make a single one time payment of 0 . 00 . This one time i,,,t;ai <br /> payment will be reflected as monthly credit of 0 . 00 appearing on the monthly bill for � <br /> the duration of ihe contract. The customer understands that this credit wili never be larger <br /> than the eligible monthly service charge and that any unused credit will not be refunded <br /> or applied to any eligible monthly service charge in a subsequent month. <br /> All terms and conditions of the service offering are set forth in the applicable schedule of the above- <br /> mentioned tariff, which fully determines the rights and obligations of the customer and the Com- <br /> pany. No representations or agreements, either written or oral, shall alter or in any way affect these <br /> rights or obligations. In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of this letter of election <br /> and the provisions of the tariff, the provisions of the tariff shall govern. <br /> Customer City Of Decatur Iliinois Bell Telephone Company <br />' By: By: <br /> Title: Title: <br /> Date: Date: <br /> Sales Representative Mike Marmion Date 11 —8-95 <br /> * The stated contract period of years, pair complement s�ze, maximum termination charge a�d one-time Con;ract Charg?' <br /> Complement Conversion Charge are based on the customer's service at [he nme this 1=ase agreement is signed. Subsequen2 <br /> additions and deletions of items of service wiii resulc �n changes in the quoted charges. <br /> FORM 'a3g <br /> (1-88: <br />