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. . t .. <br /> � <br /> , � �� . <br /> � $5, 000, 000 expended on new, privately owned, taxable building or <br /> buildings in development on Phase I in addition to the initial, <br /> ' � Bachrach project, and 50, 000 square feet or more of new, privately <br /> owned building or buildings in development on Phase II; provided, <br /> however, that, if the foregoing conditions are not met by December <br /> 31, 1996, the $1, 250, 000 additional Developer Advances reimbursement <br /> shall be reduced by $250, 000; and, thereafter, annually, so long as <br /> such conditions remain unmet, the additional Developer Advances, <br /> required to be reimbursed by this Agreement, shall be reduced by the <br /> amount of $250, 000 until either the conditions are met or January 1, <br /> 2001, at which time the City's obligation hereunder would be fully <br /> extinguished. <br /> 4 . Payment of Real Estate Taxes. <br /> a) The Parties acknowledge that certain assumptions have <br /> been made relative to the future assessed valuation of the Subject <br /> Property when the Area is improved pursuant to this Agreement. The <br /> Parties further acknowledge that attaining and maintaining said <br /> assessed valuation will have a material effect on the revenue <br /> available to reimburse the City for amounts paid to Developer <br /> hereunder. Accordingly, neither the Developer nor its agents, <br /> representatives, successors, assigns or transferees in connection with <br /> the Redevelopment Project shall initiate, take or perform any acts <br /> attempting to reduce real property tax assessments on the Subject <br /> Property below the greater of (1) an amount at which comparable <br /> industrial park properties, as appropriately adjusted by <br /> vacancy/occupancy factors, if any, are assessed, or (2) an amount <br /> sufficient to service any municipal debt obliqations issued pursuant to <br /> this Aqreement. The foregoing covenant shall be in effect only for so <br /> long as the City is entitled to reimbursement from its special tax <br /> increment allocation fund for Developer Advances made hereunder. This <br /> restriction shall be binding upon the Developer, and its agents, <br /> representatives, successors, assigns or transferees. <br /> b) The Developer further agrees that, to the extent it is <br /> obligated to pay any portion of the real estate tax bills for the <br /> Redevelopment Project Area, it shall pay such taxes promptly before the , <br /> date of delinquency of such tax bills and shall, at the request of the I <br /> City, exercise its authority as landlord to encourage its tenants <br /> promptly to pay state and local sales taxes. � <br /> 5. Assignment. <br /> Until the later of the time that the City has been fully <br /> reimbursed out of its special tax increment allocation fund for payment <br /> of Developer Advances made hereunder or the completion of construction <br /> and substantial occupancy of the Redevelopment Project, any transfer of <br /> all or any interest in the Redevelopment Project, any improvements <br /> thereon, and this Agreement (including the beneficial interest under a <br /> land trust that takes title thereof and stock ownership in the <br />