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�i � � REAL ESTATE PUR,CHA.SE CON'I�.ACT <br /> ; _ Approved for use by the Decatur Bar <br /> � Association and the Decatur Association of Realtors <br /> t <br /> i <br /> � DECATUR DAY CARE CENTER, a corporation, , as <br /> Seller,agrees to sell and the C I TY OF DECATUR ' ' as Buyer, <br /> , agrees to purchase at the price Of 5, 0 0 0 . 0 0 the following legally described real estate(premises)situated in MciCOri <br /> Counry, Illinois, <br /> Commencing at the Northwest Comer of Lot 8 of E. O. Smith's Resurvey of Block 14 in Westem Addition to <br /> , Decatur, as per Plat recorded in Book 10 Page 203 of the records in the Recorder's Office of Macon County, <br /> Illinois, thence Fast along the North line of said Lots 8 and 9 of said Resvrvey 100', thence South 32-3/4'par�ilel <br /> with the West line of said Lot 8, thence West parallel with the North line of said Lots, 100' +/-to the West line of <br /> � said Lot 8,thence North along said West line to the place of beginning. <br /> commonly known as:364 W. William St. , Decatur,ZLThe Tax ID#forthis property is: 04-12-15-210-010 <br /> i <br /> � 2. ��Np���$xXXXXXXXXXXXx��C���J����x�A��C���t� � � A°1�X'R� <br /> r]G�[�f#��i�f�f�Yi����b�OYr�����7b�t�i'iiC��3AK#�b�tN��I�Fl€6faK��l�]d��i�7fdE��i� <br /> vY`iti���3$���iX��I�i�s��7�#fYs����$�eX�I�Xi�ii�d�Ka�OI�Ii}�f�d�7���X1W��i4C@�K�44X1��744� <br /> a�x��,��x� w��a�����x�cm� x�t��x���x�xa�x�a������4��x�x�R�' <br /> ��������������� <br /> 3. Seller shall promptly furnish to Buyer a commitment for an owner's title insurance policy insuring against defects,in the merchantabiliry <br /> of titte up ro the value of the purchase price set forth above. Titte insurance shall show that there shall be no finandng statements on file affecting <br /> fixtures included in the purchase. Title may be subject to coal and mineral rigMs if now reserved or conveyed of record and to all easements <br /> and building and use restrictions now of record which do not restrict reasonable use. Buyer shall prompdy�vise Seller of any daimed d�tfects <br /> in title evidence to permit resolution before settlemeM. Seller shall pay the initial title seazch chazge and titls insurance premium. Buyer shall <br /> pay the search charge as to the Buyer,the cost of mortgagee's tide insu�ance policy,if any, and the cost of all necessary endorsements to the <br /> tiUe insurance policy. Buyer and Seller shall furnish immediately upon request all infamation legally required for financing or transfer of title. <br /> Any fee for settlement of this contract shall be divided equally between Seller and Buyer. <br /> 4. Buyer shall pay Seller the2��6��oC�b�Lpurchase price atthe office of Cardwell Realty, DeCatur, IL on <br /> ' or upon mutual agreement before June 9, 19 9 5 . which event is called settlement <br /> 5. At settlement, Seller shall deliver to Buyer a warranty deed to the prernises, subject only to those matters to which the 6tle may be <br /> subject as provided in paragraph 3 above, and conveying the benefits of all easements of record prior to the execution of this contract, if any, <br /> in such form and together with such documentation as shall be required for recording said deed. Seller shall also tumish Buyer, at settlement, <br /> all documentation necessary to protect Buyer from mechanic's liens.Seller agrees to pay for uansfer tax stamps,prepare the real estate transfer <br /> dedaration form and any environmental disdosure requirement documents. Buyer agrees to pay for the cost of recording with the Recorder of <br /> Deeds any of the documents necessary to complete the transfer of ownership. <br /> 6. ���iK�fd���Glb�b�r�r�i�iaXt�idF��abX�tXrM�����16DdGi�Bi�lD�I�X9�4�4�14�9��X�1� <br /> �x��x�c�� ����x��x�xx�x��a�x�o�������t���k��'�x�a���c <br /> ��������:��a�������#���x���xa�a�a���x�x�r�a�� <br /> x,X�r�€d���i����3��f.X�r��a�Mi�}€�f�}�t�xtlitryil�X@��8�4�:Q�l�4I��R� �XR'��. <br /> �bXt�fc�ii�ol�fr�aYiMr�aYr3�i�f 1f�X�3E��b�C <br /> 7. Buyer shall be entiUed to possession of the premises at o'clxk P.M. on date of setdement. Seller may, however, <br /> corrtinue occupancy of the premises for not more than days after settlement, provided Seller pays the Buyer at settlement <br /> $ for each day Seller irnends to continue occupancy. <br /> 8. At least ten (10) days but no more than thirty (30) days prior to closing, Buyer may, at Buyer's expense, except for V.A. loans when <br /> it shall be Seller's expense,obtain a written professional report that the dwelling, attached and/or detached garage and outbuildings are free of <br /> visible evidence of active termites. If active termites are found,the improvements shall be Lreated at Seller's expense. If damage due to termites <br /> is found,Buyer shall give Seller written notice of the damage within 3 business days,excluding weekends and federal holidays,and the provisions <br /> of paragraph 10.C. shall apply. <br /> 9. No notice or suits or judgments relating to the premises have been received by the Seller ezcept: <br /> 10. It is agreed between the Buyer and Seller as follows: <br /> A. Buyer,at his expense, may have the premises inspected within seven(7)business days,excluding Saturdays, Sundays and <br /> federal holidays, aher the acceptance of this contract <br />