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� . r � <br /> � . '� <br /> Borrower agrees to maintain the premises in a safe and <br /> sanitary condition and to maintain the premises in compliance <br /> with all City of Decatur Building, Plumbing, Electrical and <br /> Mechanical Codes . Borrower further agrees to observe and comply <br /> with all rules, regulations, statutes, ordinances and laws, now <br /> in force or which may be enacted during the continuance of this <br /> Contract by any municipality, county, state or federal <br /> authorities having jurisdiction over the premises . Borrowers <br /> will schedule inspections� every two years with City representa- <br /> tives to determine compliance. <br /> For ten (10) years from the completion date, borrower agrees <br /> not to discriminate against prospective tenants on the basis of <br /> their receipt of, or eligibility for, housing assistance under <br /> any Federal, State or local housing association program, or on <br /> the basis that the tenants have a minor child or children who <br /> will be residing with them. <br /> Borrower agrees to exercise affirmative marketing practices <br /> of the unit (s) whenever unit (s) in the premises become vacant, <br /> and to display the "Equal Opportunity" logo or sign in all adver- <br /> tising of a unit for rent. <br /> Owner agrees to affirmatively market units whenever units in <br /> rehabilitated property become vacant via use of commercial media, <br /> use of community contracts, use of Equal Housing Opportunity <br /> logotype or slogan, or display of fair housing poster. <br /> Owner agrees to inform and solicit applications from persons <br /> in the housing market area who are not likely to apply for the <br /> housing without special outreach through use of community or- <br /> ganizations, churches, employment centers, fair housing groups or <br /> housing counseling agencies. <br /> Borrower agrees to comply with all of the p�ovisions of the <br /> DOWNTOWN Rental Rehabilitation Program as designed by the City of <br /> Decatur as it now exists or may be changed. <br /> Borrower agrees to comply with all provisions of the <br /> DOWNTOWN Rental Rehabilitation Contract heretofore entered into ' <br /> by the borrower and the City of Decatur. , <br /> Owner will submit updated tenant survey in a manner �, <br /> prescribed by the City describing the socioeconomic characteris- I <br /> tics of the tenants and the rent charged for each unit in the <br /> project . Owner further agrees to make his/her/their books and <br /> records available for inspection by any representative of the <br /> City. <br /> Owner agrees to comply with all Federal laws and regulations <br /> regarding the DOWNTOWN Rental Rehabilitation Program, and with <br /> all policies and procedures established by the City necessary to <br /> administer and monitor the DOWNTOWN Rental Rehabilitation <br /> program. <br />