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Mr. Jam��s C. Qacun, Jr. <br /> /���ril 2h, ly�)5 <br /> P�i�r '1'hrcr <br /> Yc�u a�rcc tc� �;ive us nc►tirc, in writing, in advFiI1CC, if c�ur rc}�c�rt is tc� hc inclu�lccl in �iny <br /> OTlll'1' (jOCUI11CilC, filccl with �i rr�ulatc�ty agcncy, cc���iccl c�r rc}�r�ulucc�� in wlu�l�: c�r in E��irt <br /> fOI" �illy fC�iS(111, OI" USCCj IIl Fllly SIl1ll��1C Wtly. WC �1�1VC �l CCS}�(�l]Slhl�lly �IS �lU(�ItO1'S t(1 1'CVICW <br /> any rclatc�l matcrials incluaca in any �uch filin�s, cic�cumcnts, rcprc�ducticros, ctc. <br /> Other Services <br /> Our auclit will he exE�ancicci an�l extencled as neccssary tc� alsc� allow us tc� ec�mplete the <br /> fc,ll��wing rcyuircd re}�c�rts as c�f the inc.iicatcd datcs: <br /> Fiscal Ycar Enclin� <br /> P��liccmcn's Ycnsic�n Rc:E�c�rt A}�ri) 3O, lyy5 <br /> F�irciT���n's Pcnsi��n RcE,c�rt A��ril 3U, ly�)5 <br /> Watcr I�un�l c>i� thc C'ity c,f Uccatur AE�ri) 3O, 1�9_5 <br /> Ucritur Puhlic Tr.�nsit Systcm Junc 3U, 19y5 <br /> /� rcvi�:w w�ill hc �)Ct'I(�I'I11CCI c�f thc aE��ru}�I'iatc scctic�ns c�f thc llccatur Puhlic Transit <br /> Syst�m's Srctic►n 15 rc�x�rt �is c�f Junc �O, 1y95. As in thc }���st, wc will ��rc�vicic� assistancc <br /> with thr }�rc�riratic�n c�f ccrtain financial ciatl fOI'1115 �F'l)l�lllti 1O3 anci 2U�). <br /> Finally, a rcvicw will hc ��rrf��rn�cci c�f thc City's Annu�il C��st Allc�catic�n Plan ��s uf <br /> n}�ril �(l, 19��_5. Wc will <isccrtain that thc ciata agrres tc� th�it rc}���rtccl in th� City's <br /> finailcial st�ItG11CIlLS a�ici thr c��st ��llc�catic►n plan has bccn pre}�arccl in accc�rdancc with tl�c <br /> Guicie fc�r St��tc �inci Lc�cal G��vcrnmcnt Agcncics OASG10. <br /> I�'ees <br /> Oui� fccs fur thcsc sc:rviccs will hc hascd on the actual timc sE�cnt at c�ur stan�iarct <br /> hc�t�rlv ratc�, ��lus c�ut-c�f-F�uckct cc�sts sucll as rcpc�rt }�rc�clucticm, tyE�ing, p��sta�;c, ctc. Uur <br /> titan�l;irci h��urly ratc�s vary ��ccc�r�ling tc� thc dcgrce c�f resJ�c�nsihility invc�lvccl anci thc <br /> cx}�cricncc I�:vcl c�f thc }�crsc�nnrl assignccl tc� yc�ur au�lit. Intcrim hillingti wi(I hc suhmitt��ci <br /> as w��rk }�r���resses an�1 are ��ayahle c�n presentatic�n. <br />