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Mr. Jamcs C. I3ac<�n, .Ir. <br /> AE�ril 2(,, 1���)5 <br /> Pagr Fc►ur <br /> Thc fc�llc�w�in� is ��i� allc�catic�n ��f the ��rc�pc�scd fcc tc� thc varic�us ��rc�gr��ms ancl funcis: <br /> �l. COIll�ll"CIlCI1SIVl' Annual Financial Rcpc�rt inclucling <br /> COSt AIII)C11t1(111 Plan : <br /> Gcncral Fun�( $12,5(l0 <br /> M��tc�r Vchicic Parkin}; Systcm Fund K7_5 <br /> Sclfi Insur�incc Fund K75 <br /> Equipmcnt RcF�laccmcnt Fund KS(1 <br /> MIS Serviccs h_5O <br /> h. Mass Tr�insit ancl Sccticm 15 Rcpc�rt 3,KUU <br /> c. Pc�licc ��ncl Firc Pc�lsic�n Re}x�rts: <br /> Pulicc Pcnsic�n yOO <br /> Firc Pcrisic�n yU(1 <br /> cl. Watcr Funci Auclit and Rc��c�rt 5,7(1(1 <br /> r. Singlr Auclil C��n���lian�c RcF�c�rts: <br /> Mass 'rr�insit 1,50O <br /> CDF3C'� 3,950 <br /> 32 _5O0 <br /> �k=k�f-=k=k�F=k�k�k=k=k=k*=k=k=k=k:k:k:k-F:k:{�:�:�: <br /> OUl' C(11111111tI11CI1T tl) thcsr fccs is fc�r ��nc ycai• and is has�:ci c�n the fic�llc�wing stipulatic�ns <br /> that wc �iiscussccl with yc�u ancl Ms. Cc�ut�:r c�n A��ril 12, I��)5: <br /> s C'lirnt as�istanre will he ��rc�vicled at the I�vel reyuesteci ciw�ing the }�lanning �,hase <br /> c►f tlie eng�1�TCI11Cllt. Ally SCIICCIUICti tll�lt WC receive which �ire incc�rrect e�r incc�it�- <br /> }�Iete will hc rcturnecl tc� Finanee Depart►nent persc�nnel tic�r revisic�ns. Any <br /> aclditic�nal accc�untin�; wc�rk that we are reyuestea tc� cic� will be thc hasis fc�r a <br /> scpar��tc hilling frc�m thc auclit. <br /> • Any rryu�:stcc] assistancc with irnE�lcmcirtatic�n c�f accc�unting }�rc�nc�uncc:mcnts c�r <br /> with �1CCOUI1C111�T ISSUCS Iti llllt 111CIUC�CCI lll t�1C $32,_50U fee yu��ted ahc�ve. Out� fiecs <br /> fc�r such r.issistancc will hc cliscusscd with yc�u at such timc as a reyuest fc�r assis- <br /> tancc is maac ancl will hc hillca scparatcly fl�c�m th� auclit. <br />