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Mr. Janlcs C. Rac��n. Jr. <br /> /1��ri I 2C�, 1�)�)5 <br /> F'a�� Fiv�� <br /> • Z�hc Cc�m��rchcnsivc Annual Finaitcial Rc�x�rt (CAFR) will he ty��ee� in its entil�ety <br /> hy Fin��ncc Dc��artmcnt }�crscmncl. Wc will ��rc�vidc thc rcyuired auditc�r's c���inic�ns <br /> <�nci rr}���I�ts c�n thc gcncral-}�ur��c�sc financial st�1tCI71CI1tS anc] th��sc requir•cci fc�r <br /> Singlc Au�lit }�ur����scs fc�r inclusiun in thc CAFR. <br /> Wc Icx,k 1'c�rwarc.l tc� �a c�,ntinuin�; ��ss��ciatic�n with Thc C'ity c�f Dccatur an�1 apE�rcciatc the <br /> c�E���c�rhinity tc� scrvc y��u. I'Icasc Ict us knc�w if yc�u havc �llly (�UCStIl111S ahc�ut any asE�cct c�f <br /> c�ur cn�a�;cmcnt. If thc cn�;��gcmcnt c�utlin�:cl mcctti with y��w- aJ�}�rc�val, wc ask that y��u <br /> sign an�l rrturn thc cncl��tic�l c��F�y c�f this l�tter tc� u.s. <br /> Sinccr�Iv, <br /> GEO. S. OLIVE & CO. ►.�� <br /> ? <br /> �y_ �.e�A.�P'�,,�,✓_ ��� <br /> Urnnis J. Lc�hncs, CPA <br /> Chicf O��crating Officcr <br /> �cr.c��trcl: <br /> ']'I li? C'I�i,Y OF DFCn7't.1R, IL,LINOIS <br /> �3y � � � • <br /> (si�;n.�turc) <br /> S�3— q.S <br /> (���tc) <br /> I),I1,/��jl,/('('1'Y()I)I?('J?N(� <br />