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Achievement Award (continued) <br /> The number of awards given and the value of awards will be based on <br /> individual merit. The awards will be cash and sha11 be granted for amounts up to <br /> but not exceeding $500. Administrative leave which sha11 range from one to three <br /> working days may also be granted with the approval of the City Manager. The <br /> leave date must be approved by the Department Director and taken within twelve <br /> months of the award date. The Committee chair will provide written response to <br /> each person making a nomination. <br /> All permanent, non-probationary full-time employees are eligible to <br /> participate and are encouraged to be actively involved in this program by submitting <br /> nominations for the awards. Nomination forms will be available from the <br /> Department or Division secretary or from Human Resources Division. <br /> Nominations will be reviewed by the members of the Employee <br /> Program Administration Committee for appropriateness and amotmt of award and <br /> announcement of their selections made to the City Manager. <br /> See Pride Progxam Form No. 1 - "Nomination for Employee Achievement <br /> Award" and attached criteria. <br /> B. Certificate of Appreciation (Star Award) <br /> This portion of the PRIDE Program allows for recognition by <br /> co-workers when an employee provides extraordinary help andlor cooperation. <br /> Any employee of the City may request that a co-worker receive a Star <br /> Award. Forms will be available from the Department or Division secretaries or <br /> from the Human Resources Division. Within one week of receipt of the appropriate <br /> form, the Human Resources Division will complete a STAR certificate and present <br /> it to the recipient. <br /> All recipients of the STAR award will be entered in a drawing to be <br /> held monthly. The winner of the drawing will be entitled to eight (8) hours of paid <br /> leave. Additionally, the employee who made the nomination for this award will be <br />