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I.� Project Monitoring: The Division of Traffic Safety will conduct periodic on-site reviews of all ongoing highway safety <br /> projects to monitor adherence to the project agreement and to review project progress and claim for reimbursement <br /> procedures. <br /> J. Reports: Progress reports by objective shall be submitted to the Division of Traffic Safety as stipulated in this agreement. <br /> The final project report shall be submitted to the Division of Traffic Safety within 30 days after the expiration date of the <br /> . project or as stipulated in this agreement. <br /> K. Alterations:All alterations shall be requested in writing and shall be authorized in writing by the Division of Traffic Safety <br /> before work is started. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein will be binding on either of the <br /> parties. <br /> L Termination/Cancellation: "Obligation of the State shall cease immediately without penalty or further payment being <br /> required if, in any fiscal year,the Illinois General Assembly or federal funding source fails to appropriate or otherwise <br /> make available funds for the contract." <br /> This agreement may be terminated/cancelled by either parly upon 30 days written notice. Failure to carry out the <br /> conditions set forth herein shall constitute a breach of the agreement and may result in termination of the agreement or <br /> such remedy as appropriate. Upon termination,the applicant agency will be paid for work satisfactorily completed prior to <br /> the date of termination. <br /> M. Approval and Ownership of Data and Creative Material:All documents including reports and all other work products <br /> produced by the applicant agency under this contract shall be submitted to the Division of Traffic Safety for approval prior <br /> to development and same shall become and remain the property of the Division of Traffic Safety. <br /> N, Audits:The records and supportive documentation for all completed projects are subject to an on-site audit by the Illinois <br /> Department of Transportation, Bureau of Accounting and Auditing. The Bureau of Accounting and Auditing reserves the <br /> right to inspect and review during normal working hours the workpapers of the independent auditor in support of their audit <br /> report. - <br /> The Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502) requires the following: <br /> 1. State or local governments that receive$25,000 or more a year in federal financial assistance shall have an audit <br /> made in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-128. <br /> 2. State or local governments that receive less than $25,000 a year shall be exempt from compliance with the Act and <br /> other federal audit requirements. <br /> 3. Nothing in this paragraph exempts State or local governments from maintaining records of federal financial assistance <br /> or from providing access to such records to Federal Agencies, as provided for in Federal law or in Circular A-102 <br /> "Uniform Requirements for Grants to State or Local Governments." <br /> 4. A copy of ihe audit report must be submitted to the Division of Traffic Safety within "30 days after completion of the <br /> audit, but no.later than one year after the end of the local governmenYs fiscal year." <br /> 5. One copy of the audit report shall be provided to the Division of Traffic Safety and one copy sent to: Bureau of <br /> Census, Data Preparation Division, 1207 East 10th Street, Jefferson, IN 47132, Attn: Single Audit Clearinghouse. , <br /> O. Safety Belt Use Requirements: <br /> 1. In accordance with the Illinois Mandatory Seat Belt Law (625 Illinois Compiled Statutes, 5/12-603.1)the grantee will <br /> establish a safety belt use policy requiring employees to use the appropriate occupant restraint protection devices as ', <br /> provided in the vehicle being driven while on official business. I <br /> 2. A copy of the safety belt policy will be forwarded to the Division of Traffic Safety within the first month of the project. � <br /> P. Bribery Clause Certification: I <br /> 1. The undersigned agency certifies that it has not been convicted of bribery or attempted to bribe an officer or employee II <br /> of the State of Illinois, nor has the agency made an admission of guilt of such conduct which is a matter of record, nor <br /> has any official, officer, agent or employee been so convicted nor made such an admission. <br /> 2. Further,the agency is not in violation of Section 10.1 of the Illinois Purchasing Act, nor barred from bidding under <br /> Section 33E-3 or 33E-4 of the Criminal Code of 1961. <br /> 3 <br />