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� � , <br /> GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> For Projects Authorized Under <br /> SECTIONS 3, 9, 9B, AND/OR 25 OF THE FEDERAL TRANSIT ACT, AS AMENDED <br /> 49 U.S.C. APP. §§ 1602, 1607a, 1607a-2, AND/OR 1621; <br /> AND/OR TITLE 23, U.S.C. (HIGHWAYS) <br /> The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the <br /> Grant Recipient named in the Notification of Grant Approval have entered into this Grant <br /> Agreement. <br /> In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations herein, the parties <br /> hereto agree as follows: <br /> Section 1. Purnose of the Grant A�reement. The purpose of this Grant Agreement is to <br /> set forth the terms and conditions under which the Government will provide Federal financial <br /> assistance to the Grant Recipient to carry out the public transit project (Project) or program of <br /> projects (Program) described in the Notification of Grant Approval. <br /> Section 2. The Project or Program. T'he Grant Recipient agrees to undertake and <br /> complete the Project or Program, and to provide for the use of the Project or Program facilities or <br /> equipment, substantially as described in its Application, incorporated herein by reference, filed <br /> with and approved by the Government, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this <br /> Grant Agreement. The "Project or Program Description" in the Notification of Grant Approval <br /> describes the Project or Program to be funded by this Grant Agreement. <br /> Section 3. Federal Financial Assistance. a. The Government intends to assist the Grant <br /> Recipient in financing that portion of the Project or Program that cannot reasonably be financed <br /> from the Grant Recipient's revenues, i.e., "Net Project Cost" of the Project or "Net Project Cost" <br /> of all projects in the Program. T'he Estimated Net Project Cost (which includes amendments) of <br /> all projects covered by this Grant Agreement is set forth on the Notification of Approva(, and <br /> forms the basis for calcu(ating the Federal financial assistance under this Grant Agreement. <br /> Accordingly, the Government will provide Federal tinancial assistance equal to the smallest of the <br /> following amounts: (1) the maximum amount permitted by Federal law and regulations, (2) the <br /> amount designated in the Notification of Grant .�pproval as "Maximum Federal Funds <br /> Approved," or (3) the amount calculated in accordance with the "Maximum Percentage(s) of <br /> Federal Participation," set forth in the Notification of Grant Approval. <br /> Form FTA 3&9(C) <br /> December 1993 <br /> Pa�e 1 <br />