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� � � 153-14 <�zivo� EASEMENT <br /> , The undersigned Grantors, for Five Doilars (�5.00) and other good and valuable considerations, receipt <br /> whoreof is hereby acknowledged, do_hereby grant to ILLIN015 POWER COMPANY, an Illinois cbrporation, its <br /> successors, assigns, and lessees, ihe perpetual right and easement to consiruct, operate, repair, mointain, patrol, <br /> remove, relocate and reconstruct electric transmission, distribution and communication lines or systems, including <br /> poles, onchors, stubs, guys, crossarms, insula}ors, conducfors and other equipment appurtenant thereto on, over <br /> and across certain land owned by the Grantors in the County of MaCon , State of Illinois <br /> and described as follows: <br /> The East five (5) feet of the West twenty (20) <br /> of Lot 1 of W. R. Edwards First Addition as per <br /> Plat recorded in Book 1832, Page 132 of the <br /> records in the Recorder's Office of Macon County, <br /> Illinois; <br /> This conveyance shall include the right (i) to use adjacent roads, streets and alleys for such purposes, <br /> (ii) to cut, fell, prune and keep pruned, spray with an EPA approved herbicide and otherwise cont�ol the growth <br /> of any trees, shrubs, or saplings and to remove such other obstacles or obstructlons that interfere ar threaten <br /> to interfere with any facilities ar equiqnent installed on said easement or that treate hazardous condittons, <br /> and (ifi) to have access to said easement for the purposes aforesaid over adjoTning lands of the Grantors. <br /> Grantors reserve the right to moke other uses of the land within said easement provided that such uses <br /> shall not interfera with the rights and easements hereinbefore granted to Grantee and shall not create hazardous <br /> conditions and Grantors shall not plant trees thereon. Grantors hereby release and waive oll rights under and by <br /> virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of this$tate. Any damages to the property of the Grantors caused by <br /> the erection,reconstruction, operation,renewal and removal of said line, if the repair thereof or the amount of <br /> damages is mutually agreed upon, shall be promptly repaired or paid for by Grontee. <br /> DATED this day of , �g_. <br /> ATTEST: CITY OF DECATUR, a Municipal <br /> Corporation, <br /> BY� (SEAL) By: (SEAL) <br /> City Clerk <br /> (SEAL) (SEAL) <br /> ACCEPTED: <br /> ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY <br /> By <br /> RODNEY B. WASHBURN <br /> Area Right—Of—Way Agent <br /> The undersigned, tenant in possession of the land described in the foregoing instrument, in consideration <br /> of the payments to Lessors of ihe sum first stated therein, hereby adopts and joins in the execution of same and <br /> consents to the enjoyment by the Grantee therein of the rights therein vested in Lessee. <br /> Preparad by Illinois Powar Company, <br /> S00 5.27th Strsat,Dacatur, lllinois 62525 <br />