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' + • 153-14 c�zivo> EASEMENT <br /> • The undersigned Grantors, for Five Dollars ($5.00) and other good and valuoble considerations, receipt <br /> whereof is hereby acknowledged, do_hereby grant to ILLIN015 POWER COMPANY, an Illinois co�poration, its <br /> successors, assigns, and lessees, ihe perpetual right and easement to construct, operate, repair, maintain, patrol, <br /> remove, relocate ond reconstruct electric transmission, distribution and communication lines or systems, including <br /> poles, anchors, stubs, guys, crossarms, insulotors, conductors and ofher equipment appurfenant thereto on, over <br /> and across certain land owned by the Grantors in the County of MaCon . $tate of Illinois <br /> and described as follows: <br /> The West Five (5) feet of that part of the South 150 feet <br /> of Lot 6 in Block 1 of Elm Park, as per Plat recorded in <br /> Book 335, Page 57 of the records in the Recorder's Office <br /> of Macon County, Illinois, more particularly described as <br /> follows: <br /> Beginning at a point, said point being the Southwest <br /> corner of said Lot 6, also being the intersection of the <br />', East right-of-way line of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive <br /> and the North right-of-way line of Elm Avenue; thence <br />, Northerly 150 feet along said East right-of-way line to <br /> a point, being the Northwest corner of the South 150 feet <br /> of said Lot 6; thence Easterly 173 feet along the North <br /> line of the South 150 feet of said Lot 6; thence <br /> Southerly 50 feet to a point being 173 feet East of said <br /> right-of-way line; thence Southwesterly 101.98 feet to a <br /> point on the North right-of-way line of Elm Avenue; <br /> thence Westerly along said North riqht-of-way line 153 <br /> feet to the point of beginning; <br /> This conveyance shall tnclude the right (1) to use adjacent roads, streets and alleys for such purposes, <br /> (ii) to cut, fell, prune and keep pruned, spray with an EPA approved herbicide and otherwise control the rowth <br /> 9 <br /> of any trees, shrubs, or saplings and to remove such other obstacles or obstructions that interfere or threaten <br /> to interfere wi h an f <br /> t y acilities or equiqnent installed on said easement or that create hazardous conditions. <br /> and (1ii) to have access to said easement for the purposes aforesaid over adjoining lands of the Grantors. <br /> Grantors reserve the right to moke other uses of the land within said ease ment provided that such uses <br /> shall not interfere with the rights and easements hereinbefwe granted to G�antee ond shall not create hazardous <br /> conditions and Grantors shall not plant trees thereon. Grantors hereby release end waive oll rights under and b <br /> Y <br /> virtue of the Homestead Exem tion Laws of this State. An dama e to t r , <br /> P y g s he p operty of fhe Grantors caused by <br /> the erection,reconstruction o ration renewal and removal i <br /> , PQ o said line, if the repair thereof o�the amount of <br /> damages is mutually agreed upon, shall be rom tl re ired or aid for b Grantee. <br /> P P Y P� P Y <br /> DATED this day of , 19_. <br /> ATTEST: CITY OF DECATUR, a Municipal Corp. <br /> By� (SEAL) BY� (SEAL) <br /> City Clerk <br /> ` (SEAL) (SEAL) <br /> ACCEPTED: <br /> ILLIN015 POWER COMPANY <br /> By <br /> RODNEY B. WASHBORN <br /> Area Right—Of—Way Agent <br /> The undersigned, tenant in possession of the land described in the foregoing instrument, in considerafion <br /> of the payments to Lessors of ihe sum first stated therein, hereby adopTs and joins in the execution of sa me and <br /> consents to the enjoyment by the Grantee therein of the rights therein vested in Lessee. <br /> Preparad by Illinois Powar Company, <br /> 500 S.47th Sersa�,Dseatur, Illinois 62525 <br />