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, � �, � � - a � <br /> AMENDMENT N0. 3 <br /> TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br /> THE STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> AND <br /> THE CITY OF DECATUR <br /> (Contract No. 1353) <br /> PROJECT CAP-87-303-FED <br /> This Amendment No. 3 to an Agreement dated April 16, 1987, <br /> between the State of Illinois, Depar�tment of Transportation, <br /> and the The City of Decatur is made and entered into by and <br /> between the parties thereto. In consideration of the mutual <br /> covenants contained herein and in such Agreement the Parties <br /> � agree as follows: <br /> 1. To amend Part I - "MASS TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL GRANT <br /> AGREEMENT" by deleting ITEM 4, paragraph 1 and replacing it <br /> with the following <br /> ITEM 4 - ILLINOIS GRANT FUNDS RECOVERY ACT <br /> This grant is subject to the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery <br /> Act, Public Act No. 83-640. This Grant is valid until <br /> January 1, 1996, and grant funds are available to grantee <br /> and may be expended by grantee until said date unless the <br /> Department, at its discretion, grants an extension of <br /> time. Any grant funds which are not expended or legally <br /> obligated by the grantee at the end of the grant agreement <br /> or by the expiration of the period of time grant funds are <br /> available for expenditure or obligation, whichever is <br /> earlier, shall be returned to the Department within 45 <br /> days. Project closeout shall be in accordance with Item <br /> 110 of this agreement. <br /> And by adding the following: <br />