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. _� ., <br /> • <br /> And the said Tenant shall permit the Landlord to have free <br /> access to the premises hereby leased for the purpose of examining <br /> or exhibiting the same, or to make any needful repairs or <br /> alterations of such premises, which said Landlord may reasonably <br /> see fit to make, also to allow to have placed upon said premises at <br /> all times, notice of "For Sale" or "To Rent" , and will not <br /> interfere with the same. <br /> It is further agreed by the said Tenant that neither Tenant <br /> nor Tenant's legal representatives will assign this Lease, or make <br /> any alterations, amendments or additions to the buildings on said <br /> premises, without the written consent of the Landlord, which shall <br /> not unreasonably be withheld, thereto, and that neither Tenant nor <br /> Tenant's legal representatives will use said premiss for any <br /> purpose calculated to injure or deface the same, or to injure the <br /> reputation or credit of the premises or of the neighborhood. <br /> It is specifically contemplated that Tenant will sublease a <br /> portion of the Space. If a portion of the Space is sublet to a not- <br /> for-profit group at the same square footage rate which Tenant is <br /> paying Landlord, then no additional rent is due. However, if a for <br /> profit group, entity, individual or business subleases a portion of <br /> the Space, Landlord shall receive fifty percent (50�) of the <br /> proceeds of such sublease. <br /> It is further agreed that the Tenant shall keep said premises <br /> in a clean and healthy condition, in accordance with the ordinances <br /> of the City, and the directions of the Board of Health and Public <br /> Works, and all rules, regulations, ordinances, laws or statutes of <br /> any governmental body. <br /> It is further agreed that Tenant shall pay at its own expense <br /> any decorating or renovation to the inside of the premises . <br /> And it is further expressly agreed between the parties, that <br /> if default shall be made in the payment of the rent above reserved, <br /> or any part thereof, or in any of the covenants or agreements <br /> herein contained to be kept by the Tenant or Tenant's heirs, <br /> executors, administrators or assigns, it shall be lawful for <br /> Landlord or Landlord's legal representatives to re-enter into and <br /> upon said premises, or any part hereof, either with or without <br /> process of law, and re-possess the same, and to distrain for any <br /> rent that may be due thereon, at the election of said Landlord; and <br /> in order to enforce a forfeiture for non-payment of rent, it shall <br /> not be necessary to make a demand on the same day the rent shall <br /> become due, but a demand and a refusal or failure to pay at any <br /> time on the same day, or at any time on any subsequent day, shall <br /> be sufficient; and after such default shall be made, the Tenant, <br /> and all persons in possession under Tenant shall be deemed guilty <br /> of forcible detainer of said premises under the statute. <br /> 2 <br />