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-vii- <br /> XIII . EVALUATION <br /> The Subgrantee hereby agrees to participate fully, with <br /> the guidance and assistance of the Department , in the im- <br /> plementation and maintenance of an evaluation system <br /> whereby the Project may be continuously monitored . <br /> XIV. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION . <br /> The Department may suspend or terminate payment of the <br /> Project in whole or in part for cause. Cause shall in- <br /> clude the following : ( 1 ) ineffective or improper use of <br /> Project funds, (2) failure to comply with either the <br /> terms and conditions of this Agreement or of the Program, <br /> (3 ) submittal to the Department of reports which are in- <br /> correct or incomplete in any material respect , or (4 ) if <br /> ° for any reason the carrying out of this Agreement is ren- <br /> dered impossible or infeasible. If the Department <br /> withhoids payments, it shall advise the Subgrantee and <br /> specify the actions that must be taken, in writing , in <br /> case of suspension, as a condition precedent to the <br /> resumption of payments and specify a reasonable date for <br /> compliance. The Subgrantee will remit any unexpended <br /> balance of the payments on account of the Agreement , in <br /> case of termination, as well as such other portions of <br /> such payments previously received as determined by the <br /> Department to be due. The action of the Department in <br /> accepting any such amount shali not constitute a waiver <br /> of any claim which the City of Decatur , Illinois may <br /> otherwise have arising out of this Agreement . <br /> XV. DELIVERY OF SERVICES <br /> The Department and the 'Subgrantee hereby agree to use <br /> their best efforts to ensure that ail the services under <br /> this Agreement are provided at such times and in such <br /> places as will best meet the needs of low to moderate in- <br /> come households, as defined by HUD. The Subgrantee will <br /> document the delivery of such services for review by the <br /> Department . <br /> XVI . ASSIGNABILITY <br /> The Subgrantee shail not assign any interest in this <br /> Agreement and shall not transfer any interest in the same <br /> without the prior written consent of the Department <br /> thereto . <br />