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SECTION IV - COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES <br /> 4.1 Carle Clinic shall collect aii applicable co-payments and/or deductibles <br /> directly from the Patient and/or their representative. <br /> 4.2 Carle Clinic shall, upon receipt from Provider of invoices for covered <br /> services rendered to Patients by the Provider, pay the Provider for such services in accordance <br /> with the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit "C", which is attached hereto and by this <br /> reference incorporated herein. <br /> 4.3 Provider shall accept such compensation as full and complete payment for <br /> the Demonstration Services rendered to the Patients and shall not bill any Patient and/or their <br /> representative for any residual amount which might be in excess of the compensation <br /> provided for herein. <br /> 4.4 The Provider shall be subject to the provisions of 42 CFR 413.17 (a-d) <br /> regarding related organizations. Services from parties related to the Provider will be defined <br /> as directly provided services and will be reimbursed using the same cost criteria as the <br /> demonstration site. <br /> SECTION V - LOCATION AND AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES <br /> 5.1 Carle Clinic shall notify Patients residing in or near the Loca;,ion of the <br /> availability of the Demonstration Services covered under this Agreement and that Patients <br /> and/or their representative may elect to receive such Demonstration Services from Provider. <br /> SECTION VI - PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL FOR THE DEMONSTRATION <br /> 6.1 Carle Clinic shall not use in written material promoting Demonstration <br /> Services the name of Provider without permission of the Provider who has reviewed and <br /> approved the material, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. <br /> 6.2 Provider shall not make reference in written promotional materials to its <br /> participation in the Demonstration or its relationship to Carle Clinic without approval in writing <br /> of a designated official of Carle Clinic. <br /> SECTION VII - ACCESS TO BOOKS AND RECORDS <br /> 7.1 As provided in Health Care Financing Administration Publication 15, <br /> Chapter 24, Section 2440,the Health and Human Services Secretary and the U.S. Comptroller <br /> General (or their representatives), shall have �access to Provider's books, documents and <br /> 3 <br />