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. <br /> • � <br /> , ' . <br /> • � , EXHIBIT A <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> 30 INDUSTRY COURT <br /> DECATUR, ILLINOIS <br /> Lot 1 of Assessor' s Subdivision of Lct Eight (8) in <br /> the Subdivision of the West Half of the Southwest 1/4 <br /> of Section 14, Township 16 North, Range 2 East of the <br /> 3rd P.M. , as per Plat recorded in Book 536 at page 242 <br /> of the Records in the Office of the Recorder of Macon <br /> County, Illinois, Except a tract of ground located <br /> along the south side of said Lot 1 and described as <br /> follows: Beginning at the intersection of the extended <br /> west face of the existing west brick building wall of <br /> the building now located generally on and over said Lot <br /> 1 , and the South line of said Lot 1 produced West, <br /> thence Northeasterly from such intersection to and <br /> along th West wall face of the said existing brick <br /> building, 1 .32 feet more or less, to the center line of <br /> the existing south brick building wall of said build- <br /> ing; thence East along the center line of said South <br /> brick building wall to the intersection thereof with <br /> the east line of said Lot 1 , (being the face of said <br /> existing brick building and the west right of way line <br /> of Illinois Central Railroad Company) , thence South- <br /> westerly along the East line of said Lot 1 a distance <br /> of 1 .29 feet, more or less, to the Southeast Corner of <br /> said Lot 1 , thence West along the South line of said <br /> Lot 1 and said South line produced West to the point of <br /> beginning, situated in Macon County, Illinois. <br /> Subject to all easements, restrictions, reservations <br /> and dedications of record, if any. <br />