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:� .�, �� . � � � -- � <br /> INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br /> Aetween the Sanitarv District of Decatur, Decatur Illinois <br /> a Municipal Corporation and the Cit,y of Decatur <br /> Decatur, Illinois a Municipal Corporation <br /> Both of Macon Cot�nty, Ill.inois , for Rn Infiltration/Inflow <br /> Studv of the nak Grove Sewer Area. <br /> THIS AGREEMENT made thi.s _ 29th Day of January <br /> ----- ---� 19 91 , i s <br /> between the Sanitary District of Decatur, Illinois a municipal <br /> corporation, Macon County, Illinois ( "DISTRICT" ) and the City of <br /> Decattir, Decatur, Illinois a municipal corporation, Macon County, <br /> Illinoi_s ( "CITY" ) . <br /> WNEREAS, PURSUANT TO Article VII , Section 10 of the 1970 <br /> , Const.itution of the State of Illinois, And the Illinois <br /> Intergovernmental Coope.ration Act ( I11 . Rev. Stat. 1989, Ch. 127 , <br /> Sec . 741 Et seq. ) , units of local government in the State of <br /> Illinois may contract between themselves <br /> to obtai <br /> n or share <br />� servi_ces and to exercise or combine functions which either of the <br /> �inits of local government are authorized by law to perform. <br /> For and in consideration of the mutual promises and <br /> obligations made and assumed hereunder, the DISTRICT and CITY <br /> a�ree as follows ; <br /> 1 • The DISTRICT/CITY will conduct an Infiltration/Inflow <br /> ( I/I ) stud,y of the Oak Grove Sewer Area. <br /> Z . The engineerin� firm of Bainbridqe, Gee , Milanski & <br /> Associates Inc. (BGM) , 1999 West Grand Avenue, Decatur, <br /> Illinois 62522 will be retained for engineering services <br /> for subject stud,y. <br /> 3 • A contract with (BGM ) ( attached ) in the amount of Fifty <br /> Five Thousand Dollars ( $55 , 000 . 00 ) for Phase I and Phase <br /> II of subject report will be shared on a 50%/509b basis by <br /> DISTRICT/CITY. <br />