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. � . '. <br /> � . Phase III and Phase IV of sub,ject study will be added to <br /> this Agreement by addendum in the future. <br /> 5 . The DISTRICT shall be the lead agenc,y for the <br /> Infiltr. ation/Inflow ( I/1 ) study and shall be authorized <br /> to execute the aforesaid contract . <br /> 6 . The Bainbridge , Gee, Milanski and Associates , Inc . , <br /> contract to be executed by the DISTRICT is attached <br /> hereto and made a part of this A�reement. <br /> 7 . TERMINATION__OF__INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br /> This agreement map be terminated upon any one of the <br /> following: <br /> a ) By muti.�al agreement of both parties ; <br /> b ) IIy decision of CITY to discontinue ( I/I ) study; <br /> c ) By decision of DISTRICT to discontinue ( I/I ) stud,y. <br /> IN WITNESS WHF.REOF, the SanitAry District of Decatur and the <br /> Cit,y of Decatur, both of Macon Count,y, Illinoi.s , have hereunto <br /> affixed their respective hands and seals the 29th day of <br /> __ January � 1991 , the eYecution of this Agreement being by and <br /> under the approval of each respective governing bod,y. <br />