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�i <br /> ATTEST: <br /> - - �- - -- �� ( r . <br /> __ _ _ _ _.____ ___ ______ <br /> Leroy Ma tin G. eter Joh s� <br /> C.lerk, Pr sident , <br /> S�,nitar,y District of Decatur Sanitar,y District of Decatur <br /> Macon CountY, I).linois Macon Count,y, Illinois <br /> STATE OF ILLINOIS ) <br /> ) SS <br /> C(�UNTY OF MACON ) <br /> On this 29th day of Januar� _ 1991 before me a <br /> _ � , ppeared <br /> ______ Clerk and President to me personally <br /> knowri, who, being bv me duly sworn, did say that they are the <br /> _Clerk and Pres_ident of the Sanitary District of <br /> Decatur Illinois a Municipal Corporation, and that the seal <br /> affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said <br /> corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in <br /> behalf of said corporation, b,y authorit,y of its Board of Trustees; <br /> and said _ Clerk and __President acknowled�e said <br /> instrument to be the free act and deed of said Municipal <br /> Co.rporation . <br /> --���?�'� �• S EA L <br /> Notar,y Pub 1C "OFFICIAL SEAI." <br /> David L. Anderson <br /> Notary Public, State of Iiitnois <br /> / y Comm sion Expires A/24/93 <br /> ATTFST: % <br /> c � <br /> ----- �/ <br /> Phyllis . Sa ds Gary K. Anderson <br /> City Clerk � Mayor <br /> City of Decatur Cit,y of Decatur <br /> Macon County, Illinois ( Macon County, Illinois <br />