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. <br /> . , ` <br /> • � . <br /> AGREEMENT FOR DEED <br /> ���' ,j" � - --r��' �-� , <br />, THIS AGREEMENT made this -� day�of July , 19�, ���� <br /> between THE CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS , a municipal corporation ( Seller) <br /> and Johnny Hall and Marilyn Hall , (Buyer) . <br /> l. If Buyer shall first perform as herein agreed, Seller shall <br /> convey by quit claim deed, to Buyer, fee simple title to the following <br /> described real estate (Premises ) : <br /> The south 80 teet of Lot Ten (10 ) in Block Two ( 2 ) �f ICanan' s <br /> Adctition to Lhe City of Decatur, as per Plat recorded in Book <br /> 22, page 540 of the Records in the Recorder ' s Office of Macon <br /> County, Illinois. <br /> (Commonly known as 640 Tnlest Elm , Decatur, Illinois ) , together <br /> with the benefits of all easements appurtenant, free and clear of <br /> encumbrances , but subject to the following if existing, conveyed or <br /> reserved of record prior to the time Seller and Buyer contracted fcr <br /> the sale of Premises : Coal and other mineral rights , and easements <br /> and building and use restrictions which do not restrict reascnable use. <br /> 2 . Buyer shall pay to Seller the total sum of $ /('� � <br /> �� ' <br /> ( Purchase Price ) in the following manner: $100 . 00 sha� be immediately <br /> paid Seller, and the balance of $ -G� - , with interest from <br /> �'�j�- , 19 , at 9% per annum on the unpaid principal <br /> balance from time to time shall be payable in installments of $ ��- <br /> ( including taxes and insura��e ) ( Installment Payment ) , the first <br /> instaliment being due /' � , 19 , and successive <br /> installments due on the /� day of each _1� i thereafter until <br /> all sums due Seller are paid. Buyer may prepay any sums due hereunder. <br /> 3 . Buyer shall: <br /> ( a) Establish residence at said premises within si��y ( 60 ) <br /> days of the date hereof; <br /> (b ) Cause said premises to be in substantial compiiance <br /> with the City of Decatur Basic Property Maintenancz <br /> Code within twelve ( 12 ) months from the date nereof ; <br /> { c ) Remain continually in residence at said premises from <br /> the time �equir�d in subparagraph ; a) hereaf until <br /> Si.xty (60) months from the date nereof . <br /> 4 . This Agreement , Seller' s Deed, evidence of ti�le and other <br /> pertinent papers , shal? be held 'oy Seller. <br /> 5 . Buyer shall receive possession of Fremises on the date hereof. <br />