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6 . Buyer shall be obligated for a11 general taxes and <br /> snecial assessnent� nayable hereafter, <br /> 7 . Buyer shall pay taxes and insurance when due and promptly <br /> submit to Seller evidence of nayznent. <br />' 8 . For the duration of this Agreement, Buyer shall keep all <br /> imnrovements in reasonably good reuair and insured to at least <br />, 80'/0 of reasonable replace�ent value. Said insurance shall <br /> indicate Seller and mort�a�ee, if any, as additional insureds . <br /> The nolicy of insurance sha11 be neld by tha Se11er or any <br />� mortgagee until this Agreement ends by its terms . If Premises <br /> i <br /> are damaged by casualty, Buyer shall promptly cause a�1 improve- <br />, ments to be repaired or rebuilt. If Buyer shall fail to cause <br /> such repairs or rebuildin� to be effected �aithin a reasonable <br /> time, then all insuxance proceeds sha11 instead be paid to the <br /> Seller to be applied first on the principal balance of any <br />' mortgage on Premises , then to the principal balance due from <br /> Buyer, and the balance, if any, shall then be paid to Buyer. <br /> 9 . Abstract of Title or Title Policy to Pre�ises is accepted <br /> by Buver as showing as of its effective date merchantable title to <br /> Premises in Seller. At the ti�e Buyer �s entitled to receive the <br /> Deed, Seller sha11 have the Abstract of Title continued or the <br /> Title PolicV in the a�ount of the nurchase nrice undated to show <br /> that there are no intervenin� liens or encumbrances caused by <br /> Seller. An�� such liens or encunbrances sha11 be removed b_y <br /> Seller and Seller sha11 pay for said Abstract of Title continuation <br /> or updated Title Policy except for charges for judgment search on <br /> Buver. If there �s no such l�en or encumbrance, Buyer sha11 pay <br /> for said Abstract of Title continuation or updated Title Policya <br /> 10 . Seller may pa�� taxes , snecial assessments , insurance <br /> premiums or repair bills �ahen due if Bu�ex fails to do so, and <br /> any sums so paid by �eller shall be added to the pr�ncipal a�ount <br /> due under this Agreemento <br /> 11. The Buyer shall not assi�n or otherwise convey any of <br /> Buyer' s interests under this A�reement , and any such attempted <br /> assignment or convevance sha11 be null and void and of no effect <br /> and sha11 constitute a breach of this Agreement . <br /> 12 , Buyer shall not alter or remodel Premises or do any act <br /> which results in a �echani�' s lien against Premises unless written <br /> nermission is obtained f_rom Seller. All renairs or improvements <br /> made uron Fremises by Buyer shall be coMvleted without delay and <br /> shall be paid for immediately, and Buyer �hall exhibit paid receipts <br /> to Seller. <br /> 13 . Buyer shaJ_1 allow periodic insnections by agen�s of the <br /> Seller durin� regular business hours to determine coMpliance �ith <br /> the terms hereof_ . <br />