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��� �� <br /> ,, AMENDMENT N0. 1 <br /> TO AN AGREEMENT BEIWEEN <br /> THE STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> AND <br /> THE CITY OF DECATUR <br /> (Contract No. 1353) <br /> PROJECT CAP-87-303-FED <br /> This Amendment No.l to an Agreement dated April 16, 1987 between <br /> the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation and the City <br /> of Decatur is made and entered into by and between the parties <br /> thereto. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained <br /> herein and in such Agreement the Parties agree as follows: <br /> 1 . To amend Part I- "MASS TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL GRANT <br /> AGREEMENT" by deleting ITEM 1 and replacing it with the <br /> foll owing: <br /> ITEM I - "THE PROJECT" <br /> The grantee agrees to undertake and complete the <br /> Project and to provide for the use of Project facilities and <br /> equipment as described in the grantee 's final application <br /> approved by the Department, as specified by the approved <br /> Project Budget and in accordance with this Agreement and all <br /> applicable laws. The Project, which is more particularly <br /> descri bed in the pl ans , s peci fi cati ons , and schedules set <br /> forth in the Grantee 's final application, is generally <br /> described as: <br /> 1 . Purchase of office equipment <br /> 2. Architecture and Engineering Services <br /> 3. Acquisition of property <br /> 4. Construc tion of a garage/office facility <br /> 5. Purchase of a copy machi ne <br /> 6. Demolition and site preparation <br /> 2. To amend Part I- "MASS TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL GRANT <br /> AGREEMENT" by deleting ITEM 2 and replacing it with the <br /> following: <br />