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�, <br /> f ITEM 2 - "AMOUNT OF GRANT" <br /> The Net Project Cost is estimated to be �1 ,257,500. <br />, The Department agrees to make a grant in an amount equal to <br />� 20% of the actual Net Project Cost, as determined by the <br /> Department after canpletion of the project, or in the amount <br /> of $251 ,500, which ever is less; provided, however, that the <br /> Department at its sole discretion may agree to increase the <br /> amount of the grant in excess of the amount specified herein <br /> in the event that the amount of the federal grant made in <br /> connection with this pro�ec t is subsequently increased, but <br /> in no event shall the total amount provided by the <br /> Department under this agreement or any subsequent Amendment <br /> to this Agreement exceed 20 percent of the ac tual Net <br /> Project Cost. No liability shall be incurred by the state <br /> in excess of the amount of the grant. <br /> 3. To amend Part I - "MASS TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL GRANT <br /> AGREEMENT" by deleting ITEM 4 and replacing it with the <br /> foll owing: <br /> ITEM 4 - ILLINOIS GRANT FUNDS RECOYERY ACT <br /> This grant is subject to the Illinois Grant Funds <br /> Recovery Act, Public Act No. 83-640. This Grant is valid <br /> until January 1 , 1993 and grant funds are available to <br /> grantee and may be expended by grantee until said date <br /> unless the Department, at its discretion, grants an <br /> extension of time. Any grant funds which are not expended <br /> or legally obligated by the grantee at the end of the grant <br /> agreement or by the expiration of the period of time grant <br /> funds are available for expenditure or obligation, whichever <br /> is earlier, shall be returned to the Department within 45 <br /> days. Project closeout shall be in accordance with Item 110 <br /> of this agreement. <br /> 4. To amend Part I - "MASS TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL GRANT <br /> AGREEMENT" by adding the following: <br /> ITEM 5 -BRIBERY CLAUSE <br /> The Grantee certifies that: <br /> 1 . it has not committed bribery or attempted to bribe an <br /> officer or employee of the State of Illinois; <br /> 2. it has not made an admission of guilt of such conduct <br /> which is a matter or record; and <br /> 3. it does not have an official , agent, or empl oyee who <br /> has comnitted bribery or attempted bribery on its <br /> behalf pursuant to the direction or authorization of a <br /> responsible official of the Grantee. <br />