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• A 14023 I <br /> THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, ILLINOIS CENTRAL <br /> RAILROAD COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Delaware, for and <br /> in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) , in hand paid, <br /> and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suf- <br /> ficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, so far as <br /> it lawfully may, to the CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS, hereinafter <br /> called Grantee, a temporary easement for the reconstruction and <br /> widening of Harrison Avenue and appurtenances, hereinafter for <br /> convenience referred to as the "Structure", on and across the land <br /> of the said ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, in the vicinity 483 <br /> feet south of Grantor's Peoria District Mile Post 75 in Decatur, <br /> Illinois, and more particularly described as follows: <br /> TEMPORARY EASEMENT � <br /> A parcel of land being a part of the Southwest Quarter of the I <br /> Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 16 North, Range 2 East of <br /> the Third Principal Meridian, situated in Macon County, Illinois <br /> and more particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the South right of way line of <br /> Harrison Avenue and the Southwesterly right of way line of <br /> Illinois Central Railroad; thence Southeasterly along said <br /> Southwesterly right of way line, said line being alonq a curve to <br /> the left having a radius of 2702.42 feet, a chord distance of <br /> 116.79 feet, for a distance of 116.80 feet; thence Northeasterly <br /> along a line radial to previous said curve for 91.00 feet to a <br /> point on the Northeasterly right of way line of Illinois Central <br /> Railroad; thence Northwesterly along said Northeasterly right of <br /> way line, said line being along a curve to the right having a <br /> radius of 2611.42 feet, a chord length of 155.38 feet, for a <br /> distance of 155.41 feet; thence Southwesterly along a line radial <br /> to previous said curve for 66.00 feet to a point on the <br /> Southwesterly right of way line of Illinois Central Railroad; <br /> thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly right of way line, <br /> said line being along a curve to the left having a radius of <br /> 2677.42 feet, a chord length of 66.97 feet, for a distance of <br /> 66.97 feet to a point on the South right of way line of Harrison <br /> Avenue; thence West alonq said South right of way line for 34.06 <br /> feet to the Point of Beqinning containing 0.299 acres (13,013 <br /> square feet) more or less, all as shown on print attached hereto <br /> and made a part hereof. <br /> The grant aforesaid is made solely upon the conditions and <br /> limitations hereinafter contained, and the Grantee, by its <br /> acceptance of the said grant, accepts such conditions and <br /> limitations and agrees to the full, strict and prompt observance <br /> and performance thereof. <br /> 1. The easement granted in this indenture is limited to the <br /> uses and purposes hereinbefore expressed and for no other purpose <br /> whatever. <br /> 2. The Grantor reserves to itself, its qrantees (other than <br /> the Grantee named in this indenture), licensees, lessees, <br /> successors and assigns, the right not only to continue to keep and <br /> use or operate all tracks and other facilities or structures now <br /> upon or beneath the surface of, or above, the said described <br /> premises, but also the right to install and use or operate <br /> additional tracks, facilities and structures upon and beneath the <br /> surface of and above the said described premises. The Grantor <br /> reserves also the right to grant to others permission to install <br /> and use or operate other facilities and structures, including, but <br /> not limited to, underground pipes and conduits, upon and beneath <br /> the surface of the said premises, and overhead wires, cables and <br /> poles or other structures for the support of such facilities and <br /> structures which may now or hereafter be on the said premises, <br /> provided that said installations may be made without substantial <br /> inteference with the use of the said premises as provided in this <br /> indenture. <br />