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. � • <br /> Mr. Charles L. Fhillips <br /> • Page 'Three <br /> OUR APPROACH: <br /> At Jensen-Oldani & Associates we tailor each search assignment to the <br /> specific needs of the client; however, each search has common process <br /> components which include development of the specification, recruiting, <br /> initial screening, consultant interviews, recommendations and presentation <br /> of finalists, and client interviews. <br /> * DEVELOPMENT OF RECRUITING SPECIFICATION: The key to any successful <br /> search assignment is a thorough understanding on the part of both the <br /> client and the consultant of the requirements of the position and the <br /> culture and dynamics of the organization. To achieve this understand- <br /> ing , J ensen-Oldani & Associates travels to the client location and <br /> begins each search with a series of in-depth discussions with individ- <br /> uals designated by the client who can relate the specific duties, re- <br /> sponsibilities and/or significant operational issues which are integral <br /> to the position. It has been our practice to interview as many appro- <br /> priate people as possible during this specification phase and often talk <br /> with community leaders, Department Heads, and other individuals at the <br /> suggestion of the client. <br /> Jensen-Oldani & Associates conducts each assignment on a team basis and <br /> whenever possible all members of our team participate in these specifi- <br /> cation interviews. From this information we draft a recruiting specifi- <br /> cation which is presented to the client for review, modification and <br /> approval . This becomes the benchmark against which we evaluate prospec- <br /> tive candidates. It consists of an in-depth description of the job; <br /> identification of significant operational issues or initial tasks; <br /> experience requirements including the parameters by which experience <br /> will be measured; personal characteristics and traits including manage- <br /> ment style which are desirable in candidates; and, if desired by the <br /> i client, identification of performance evaluation standards by which the <br /> successful candidate will be measured during the first six months of <br /> em lo ment. These s ecification interviews are generally conducted over <br /> P Y P <br /> a period of two days. <br /> * RECRUITING: After the specification is developed and approved, we <br /> initiate a directed campaign to identify candidates whose backgrounds <br /> and experiences closely fit the recruiting specification. Just as each <br /> organization and position is unique, each search is unique and we plan <br /> and implement a recruiting strategy that is tailored to meet the needs <br /> of the position as identified in the recruiting specification. Although <br /> there are obvious benefits derived from having conducted previous <br /> searches of a similar nature, we do not rely on an existing pool of <br /> candidates. The recruiting process consists of the following steps: <br /> A) Direct informational mailings to key associations/organizations <br /> throughout the country. This mailing list is researched thoroughly to <br /> include organizations with demographics and issues which closely paral - <br /> lel those of the client. <br />