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, . � <br /> �EXHIBIT A" <br /> EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY <br /> In the event of the contractor's non-compliance with the provisions of this <br /> Equal Y�nployment Opportunity Clause, the Illinois Auman Rights Act or the Rules and <br /> Regulations of the Illinois Department of Human Rights ("Department") , the contrac- <br /> tor may be declared ineligible for future contracts or subcontracts with the State <br />, of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations, and the <br /> contract may be cancelled or voided in whole or in part, and such other sanctions or <br /> penalties may be imposed or remedies invoked as provided by statute or regulation. <br /> Durinq the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: <br /> (1) That it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for <br /> employment because of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, natfonal origin or <br /> ancestry, age, physical or mental handicap unrelated to ability, or an unfavorable <br /> discharge from military service; and further that it will examine all job class- <br /> ifications to determine if minority persons or women are underutilized and will take <br /> appropriate affirmative action to rectify any such underutilization. <br /> (2) That, if it hires additional employees in order to perform this contract <br /> or any portion thereof, it will determine the availability (in accordance with the <br /> Department's Rules and Regulations) of minorities and women fn the area(s) from <br /> which it may reasonably recruit and it Will hire for each job classification for <br /> which employees are hired in such a way that minorities and women are not underutil- <br /> ized. <br />� (3) That, in all solicitations or advertisements f r <br /> , o employees laced b it <br /> P Y <br /> or on its behalf, it will state that all applicants will be afforded equal oppor- <br /> tunity without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, mazital status, <br /> national origin or ancestry, age, physical or mental handicap unrelated to ability, <br /> or an unfavorable discharge from military service. <br /> (4) That it will send to each labor organization or representative of Mrorkers <br /> with which it has or is bound by a collective bargaininq or other agreement or un- <br /> derstanding, a notice advising such labor organization or re resentat <br /> p ive of the <br /> contracto ' <br /> r s obligations under the Illinois Human Ri h • <br /> ts Act and the <br /> 9 Department s <br /> Ri�les and Regulations. If any such labor organization or representative fails or <br /> refuses to cooperate with the contractor in its efforts to comply with such Act and <br /> Rules and Regulations, the contractor will promptly so notif the De artment and the <br /> Y P <br /> cc�ntracting agency and will recruit employees from other sour�es when necessar to <br /> ful ' <br /> Y <br /> fill it <br /> s obligations thereunder. <br /> (5) That it will suhmit reports as required by the Department's Rules and <br /> Regulations, furnish all relevant information as may from time to time be zequested <br /> by the Department or the contracting agency, and in all respects comply with the I1- <br /> linois Human Rights Act and the Department's Rules and Regulations. <br /> (6) That it will permit access to all relevant books, records, accounts and <br /> �n►rk sites by personnel of the contracting agency and the Department for purposes of <br /> �r�vestigation to ascertain compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act and the <br /> I►�:partment's Rules and Regulations. <br /> (7} Tliat it will include verbatim or t�y reference the provisions of this <br /> c:l.aus� in every subcontract it awards under which any portion of the contract <br /> obligations are undertaken or assumed, so that such provisions will be bindinq upon <br /> such contractor. In the same manner as with other provisions of this contract, the <br /> contractor will be liable for compliance with applicable provisions of this clai�se ' <br /> by such subcontractors; and further it Will promptly notify the contracting a�; y <br /> and the Department in the event any subcontractor fails or refuses to comply th�re- <br /> with. In addition, the contractor will not utilize any subcontractor declared by <br /> the Illinois Human Rights Commission to be ineligible for contracts or subcontraets <br /> with the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions or municipal cor- <br /> porations. • <br /> (Effective February 9, 1981) <br />