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, <br /> 7. To make such changes in working plans, including all nec�ssary <br /> preliminary surveys and investigations, as may be required <br /> after the a�rard of the construction contract and durin the <br /> construction of the improvement. <br /> 9 <br /> a. That all plans and ot,her documents furnished by the Engineer <br /> ursuant to this a reement v�ill <br /> p be endorsed b him and wil <br /> 9 Y 1 <br /> sho�•� his professional seal where such is required by law. <br /> 9. To submit, upon request by the Public Ac�ency a list of the <br /> personnel and the equipment he proposes to use in fulfilling <br /> the requirements of this agreement. <br /> 10. Durinq the perfornance of ►�ork under this agreement the Enginee� ', <br /> for himself, his assignees and successors in interest agrees <br /> to conform to the provisions of Exhibit A hereto attached and <br /> made a part hereof. <br /> B. THE PUBLIC AGENCY AGRCES, <br /> 1 . To pay for the services enumerated above under "The Engineer Agrees" <br /> at the hourly rates stipulated belo�•� for personnel assigned to this <br /> work as payment in full to the Engineer for the actual time spent in <br /> providing these services - the hourly rates to include profit, over- <br /> head, readi�iess to serve, insurance, social security, and retirement <br /> deductions. Reimbursement for transportation furnished the Resident <br /> Engineer shall be at the rate of One Nundred Eighty Dollars ($180.00) <br /> per month or Tv:elve Dollars ($12.00) per day for any fraction of a <br /> calendar month. Other travel and out-of-pocket expenses ��ill be <br /> reimbursed to the Engineer at his actual cost. Subject to the approval <br /> of the Public Ac�ency, the Engineer may sublet all or part of the <br /> services provided under paragraph lb. <br /> Classification Per Hour -Rates <br /> Principal $ 60.00 <br /> Projcct Engineer 38 .00 <br /> En�ineer Tech. III 35 .00 <br /> Enc�ineer Tech. II 30 .00 <br /> Engineer Tech. I 28 .00 <br /> Party Chief 35 .00 <br /> Instrument ��lan 30 .00 <br /> Rodman 23 .00 <br /> Clerical & Stenographic 15.00 <br />