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o Establish measureable outcomes: The Consultant and Local Sustainability Team, will <br /> establish measurable outcomes, which will used to track and evaluate the Plan status in regards <br /> to meeting the established goals and vision. The measurable outcomes will be outlined in the <br /> implementation section. <br /> All activities of the Local Sustainability Team will be conducted during the day, and those <br /> results will be presented during an evening Public Workshop. <br /> Task 2.2: Public Workshop: <br /> The public workshop will provide an interactive community participation session aimed at <br /> engaging community stakeholders through dialogue and may include hands-on exercises. This <br /> public workshop is intended to bring community members together to share their thoughts on <br /> common issues, collaborate to build a collective vision, and build upon their enthusiasm and <br /> energy for the planning process. <br /> » Deliverable: Memo summarizing Sustainable Decatur Vision Statement and Goals <br /> Phase 3: Strategies and One Day Charrette <br /> Task 3.1: Strategy Drafting-Strategy Formation, Performance Targets and Measurables. <br /> Based upon the baseline analysis, review of existing City policies and programs, review of <br /> applicable best practices, and review of the established vision and goals, the Consultant Team <br /> will draft strategies to be presented to the Sustainability Team. The strategies will incorporate <br /> topics such as: community energy planning, water conservation, recycling, resource <br /> conservation, pollution prevention, City cleanliness, localized climate, indoor air quality, <br /> transportation alternatives, sustainable agriculture, urban agriculture, environmental justice, <br /> social well being, neighborhood design, low-impact development (including LEED ND), and <br /> education promotion. Each strategy will include detailed performance targets and measures to <br /> assist the City in tracking and evaluating the Plan's status of fulfilling the established goals and <br /> vision. <br /> Task 3.2: Day Long Charrette: <br /> The Consultant Team will conduct a one day Charrette, which will include the following: <br /> Task 3.2.1: Local Sustainability Committee Review-Strategy Formation Performance <br /> Targets and Measurables <br /> During a day-long interactive and engaging Charrette, the Consultant Team will facilitate a <br /> process with the Local Sustainability Team. <br /> As with the first Charrette, all activities of the Local Sustainability Team will be conducted <br /> during the day, and those results will be presented during an evening Public Workshop. <br /> Task 3.2.2: Public Workshop: <br /> The second workshop will create a forum for community participation, allowing community <br /> members to review and prioritize the strategies. <br /> » Deliverable: Summary of Sustainable Decatur strategies, performance targets, and <br /> measurables. <br /> 9 <br />