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Waste <br /> The baseline analysis for waste would include, but not limited to: <br /> o City-wide purchasing practices <br /> o Regional waste exchange networks <br /> o City recycling materials and policies <br /> o City recycling efficiency and participation <br /> Water <br /> The baseline analysis for water would include, but not limited to: <br /> o Water usage broken down by utilities, industrial and residential; <br /> o Stormwater runoff standards; <br /> o Baseline analysis in order to norm pilot green infrastructure and water <br /> reuse/recycling projects water savings potential in public facilities, rights of <br /> way, and private lands; and <br /> o Development of a community-scale permeability index identifying z o n e s <br /> and activities for future sustainable stormwater management. <br /> Review of best practices: <br /> The Consultant Team will review existing best practices including, but not limited to, low impact <br /> development practices, historic preservation, community energy planning, natural resource <br /> preservation, water conservation to determine which are applicable to be incorporated into a <br /> Sustainability Plan for Decatur. Included in this task is a review of the Decatur-Macon County <br /> Comprehensive Plan to ensure that those adopted goals as well as any applicable strategies <br /> are incorporated into the Decatur Sustainability Plan. <br /> » Deliverable: Memo summarizing baseline analysis <br /> findings, including: <br /> -Municipal Energy Audit (energy consumption analysis) <br /> -City-Wide Building Energy Analysis (energy consumption <br /> analysis) <br /> -Transportation Energy Analysis <br /> -Waste Findings <br /> -Water Findings <br /> -Review of best practice applicable to Decatur <br /> Phase 2: One Day Charrette <br /> The Consultant Team will conduct a one day Charrette, which will include the following: <br /> Task 2.1: Review of Baseline Analysis and Goal Setting with Local Sustainability Team <br /> During a day-long interactive and engaging Charrette, the Consultant Team will facilitate a <br /> process with the Local Sustainability Team with include the following exercises: <br /> o Review baseline analysis. <br /> o Review the goals of Sustainable Decatur: The Consultant Team will review the goals as <br /> outlined in the RFP to determine if those goals are appropriate, or should be expanded. These <br /> goals will form the foundation of the plan, and shape strategies for implementation. <br /> o Prioritize goals: The Steering Committee will be asked to evaluate and prioritize these goals, <br /> to assist the Consultant Team in developing the appropriate strategies. <br /> 8 <br />