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specialized knowledge or access to resources related to the Decatur current and future <br /> sustainability efforts. <br /> » Deliverable: Memo summarizing interview responses <br /> Task 1.6: Conduct Baseline Analysis <br /> After a review of existing policies and programs, and field observations, the Consultant Team <br /> will conduct a baseline analysis to determine the necessary detailed action steps, and <br /> appropriate strategies to address those goals as stated in the RFP. The baseline analysis will <br /> include: <br /> Municipal Energy Audit <br /> The Consultant Team will conduct energy audits on two specific municipal buildings to be <br /> selected with the City based on size, use, potential to change energy behaviors. In addition, <br /> CNT will work with the City to secure a third audit from SEDAC (Smart Energy Design <br /> Assistance Center). The audit process will include the site visit and daylong energy audit, and <br /> the audit reports with identified energy cost-cutting opportunities that range from low-cost/no- <br /> cost energy operational & maintenance improvements to capital improvements. Each <br /> recommendation will include potential energy and cost savings, cost of implementation, and <br /> expected return of investment time period. Municipal energy audits can be a benefit to private <br /> buildings as well. From the results of the municipal energy audit, building maintenance <br /> operators will find that an understanding of these potential energy-saving strategy areas <br /> identified in the audits can assist in major energy and cost savings for any building. <br /> City-Wide Building Energy Analysis <br /> For both economic and environmental reasons, building owners and operators are taking a <br /> focused assessment of their building's energy performance, and the impact on the financial <br /> bottom line of their properties. Energy efficiency is a proven tool for reducing a building's <br /> maintenance and operating costs. Many facilities can significantly reduce energy usage through <br /> the implementation of operational measures and capital improvements that pay back within a <br /> short period of time. For the analysis of energy consumption in buildings, the Consultant Team <br /> would first examine electric and natural gas data provided by the City of Decatur(as discussed <br /> in the RFP), and work with the City and utilities to fill in any potential gaps. The consumption <br /> analysis will outline total energy consumption by user-end sector, and then a breakdown by <br /> energy source (natural gas and electricity) and sector. Information would be provided in text and <br /> user-friendly graphics designed with an eye towards engaging elected officials, city leaders and <br /> the public, along with a supplemental "community presentation" set of slides that can be <br /> inserted into any presentation. <br /> Transportation Energy Analysis <br /> In order to conduct a transportation energy analysis, we will calculate energy consumption <br /> based on vehicle miles traveled (VMT). This methodology allows for the attribution of energy <br /> consumption to a particular geography. Annual VMT is broken out into vehicle and fuel type <br /> using modeling of the vehicle mix for a given day. VMT by vehicle and fuel type is then divided <br /> by the average in-use fleet fuel efficiency (in miles per gallon) for each vehicle type, as reported <br /> by Federal Highway Administration Highway Statistics. This analysis results in an estimate of <br /> the fuel consumed by sector and geography. <br /> 7 <br />