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� <br /> City staffapproached SKS to perform a survey of the slide area and provide some preliminary �I, <br /> work to assess the damage and recommend repair options to stabilize the slide and keep it from I <br /> encroaching onto Lincoln Park Drive. The preliminary work has been completed and it is �, <br /> necessary to execute a more extensive design effort to prepare the plans and specifications I <br /> necessary to contain this damage. � <br /> SKS is a local firm specializing in geotechnical work such as is required to stabilize the Lincoln II, <br /> Park Drive landslide. They have assisted the City on projects such as this in the past. I <br /> SKS proposes a fee of$20,000 to complete the necessary design work to remove the unstable �� <br /> soil and place stable material in its place. The work includes meeting with contractors, ��, <br /> performing site investigation work, preparing plans and specifications, and perform construction �I <br /> inspection assistance. There are numerous unknowns involved in work of this sort and it will be ', <br /> necessary to have qualified geotechnical inspectors assisting City staffduring the slope repair <br /> work that will occur at the site once the project begins. �'� <br /> Decatur Park District Involvement I� <br /> In response to concerns raised by the City Council at the October 20 meeting, City staff inet with <br /> the Decatur Park District and reviewed property ownership. Documents indicate that the Park ' <br /> District owns the land south of the City's Lincoln Park Drive right of way and north of the I <br /> Sangamon River. This makes up about 45 feet of the steep slope area that contains a portion of 'i <br /> the land slide. The bike trail on this section of roadway is contained within the City owned right ' <br /> of way. A map is attached detailing the property ownership. <br /> At a Park District Board meeting held on Wednesday, November 19, 2008, the District agreed to ', <br /> participate 50% in the engineering design portion of the project. The attached resolution <br /> indicates that authorization is subject to Park District approval to reimburse the City for 50%of <br /> the engineering design costs. The Board also tentatively agreed to pay 20%of construction costs <br /> up to a maximum of$50,000 toward an estimated $250,000 project cost. Twenty percent is , <br /> based on the relative cost of the threatened infrastructure. The cost of the bike trail is roughly I <br /> 20%of the cost of the street. , <br /> City/Park District Intergovemmental Agreement II <br /> Over the next few months, City staffwill negotiate an intergovernmental agreement with the , <br /> Park District covering the following items related to Lincoln Park Drive and the Park District's I <br /> Lincoln Park property: <br /> 1. Agreement to share bidding, construction, and engineering observation during � <br /> construction of the slope repairs. This will be prepared when the final design is near <br /> completion and a more accurate engineer's estimate is available. ' <br /> 2. Agreement on an easement for the construction of a raw water line from Lake ' <br /> Tokorazawa to the City's raw water intake near the Lake Decatur Dam. <br /> 3. Formalize an agreement for the placement of the Park District's bike trail along Lincoln I <br /> Park Drive. ' <br /> Page � 2 <br />