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Mr. Keith D. Alexander <br /> City of Decatur <br /> Page 3 _ <br /> March 27, 2001 <br /> 6. Additional Required Capacity <br /> Evaluate the adequacy of the existing water supply facilities using the water demands developed. <br /> Summarize the need for added raw water supply, treatment capacity, pumping, and storage <br /> facilities. The need for additional capacity will be documented along with possible alternatives. <br /> 7. Water System Modeling <br /> a. Add all pipes 6 inches and over in diameter near the South Water Treatment Plant <br /> (SWTP) and existing elevated tanks to the existing WaterCAD 4.1 model, permitting <br /> more accurate evaluation of potential main improvements near the SWTP and <br /> existing elevated tanks. <br /> b. Conduct 15 additional field fire flow tests and a computer model calibration check <br /> within the SWTP and elevated tank areas. Work with the OWNER to evaluate the <br /> known calibration problem at node 13. <br /> c. Work with the OWNER to conduct a field and computer calibration check of the <br /> model after the North Water Treatment Plant has been taken off-line. <br /> d. Conduct a sensitivity study of the impact of three variable ADM demand rates on the <br /> existing and proposed water system. <br /> e. Evaluate the water distribution system under three expanded treated water supply <br /> conditions. This will include (1) expansion of the SWTP, (2) a new water treatment <br /> plant at an approximate location to be determined during discussion with the <br /> OWNER, and (3) one additional supply condition to be determined during the study <br /> with the agreement of the OWNER. <br /> f. Prepare a list of water main improvements needed in the service area. List main <br /> improvement that can provide service under all three water supply conditions. <br /> g. Conduct a preliminary review of water main routes for new main. This will include <br /> consideration of the Decatur Street Improvement Program. <br /> h. Include a new south elevated tank in the water distribution system evaluations. The <br /> function of the proposed south elevated tank will be evaluated under all three <br /> proposed supply conditions. <br /> i. Evaluate alternative means of providing adequate service pressure in the areas in <br /> northwestern Decatur that now experience marginal pressures during high demand <br /> days. <br /> j. Prepare an estimate of water age in the distribution system main and storage under <br /> existing and one future demand condition. Discuss the implications of water age on <br /> Trihalomethane production in the distribution system. <br /> MGO:jIi\\\SA 1\VOL 1\CORPDATA\WORDP\AGR\Decatur.Agr1-624-009.doc STRAN D <br /> ASSOCIATES,INC. <br />